Streamlining Logistics Excellence A Fleet Management Success Story

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  • Services

    App & IoT Development

  • Business Type

    B2C, B2B

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For this project, The NineHertz team partnered with Dubai’s major mobility service provider firm to build a real-time platform for truck fleet management. The client has been providing their services in and around the UAE region for almost three decades and currently has a growing consumer base.


The client asked for an efficient and practical solution to upgrade his operations, assist their clients ( especially in the trucking industry), and revenue management. The client faced the following challenges –

  • Profitability:

    The client faced the challenge of the shipment management plan that affected smooth operations and profitability.

  • Safety and Security:

    Managing a fleet involves juggling the safety of vehicles and drivers while maintaining operational efficiency. Striking the right balance between safety protocols and maximizing vehicle uptime was a challenge in itself.

  • Payload Maximization:

    Getting trucks to operate at their full payload capacity was a goal, but the challenge was to achieve this consistently. It required an assertive strategy for load optimization, route planning, and real-time adjustments to seize every revenue-generating opportunity.

  • Excess Alerts:

    Balancing the need for rapid response with the risk of information overload posed a significant challenge. The client needed a solution that filtered through the noise and highlighted the critical issues demanding immediate attention.


The NineHertz team after gaining an understanding of the client’s expectations of the project, proposed the following solution –

  • Cargo Search and Live Monitoring:

    The NineHertz implemented a strategic approach to enhance fleet cost efficiency and precise route planning. We introduced a cargo search filter enabling drivers to operate at maximum payload capacity by selecting cargo orders from various forwarders based on their specific requirements. We also implemented live monitoring, allowing real-time tracking of cargo orders and providing flexibility to choose the most relevant ones.

  • IoT Optimization:

    Our team also installed IoT devices to optimize the client’s supply chain by tracking and managing the database on location, driver performance, vehicle idling, payload management, fuel consumption, best route options, and more.

  • Focus on UX:

    After assembling and analyzing requirements, we defined three primary user roles — administrator, dispatcher, and driver — and focused on creating an adaptive design to manage various scenarios.

  • Admin Panel:

    The web admin panel plays an important role in the fleet management system in our proposed solution. Through this, our client could manage the overall operations of his business and also manage the drivers, and dispatchers. The admin is also responsible for providing relevant extended access to the dispatchers for their route planning. For larger carriers collaborating with supermarket chains, the portal is a one-stop solution to manage their freight.

  • Dispatcher Panel:

    hrough this web-based panel, the dispatchers can ensure that trucks are being operated at maximum payload capacity and also plan the best route options available, and generate revenue growth by avoiding downtime. Dispatchers can use custom filtering to find suitable orders, streamlining the order management process.

  • Driver Application:

    The team installed a driver-specific mobile application in the devices addressing the day-to-day activities of drivers. Drivers can manage and update their real-time status when they are on the road. Through this, drivers also could communicate any concerns with the operators and get solutions quickly.The drivers can also add new cargo units to enhance cost-effectiveness and profits.

Results & Impact

The solution provided by The NineHertz team yielded the following results –

  • Profitability through Shipment Management:

    The solution provided by The NineHertz team helped the client in shipment management and a more efficient value chain.

  • Dedicated Vehicle and Driver Management System for Fleet Safety:

    The dedicated mobile application for drivers ensures that the driver uses the best route possible for cost efficiency and also allows the drivers to operate at maximum payload creating better earning opportunities for them. Drivers can also connect through the management to raise concerns and update their live status for database management.

  • Maximizing Revenue through Payload Optimization and Route Efficiency:

    The forwardars can easily search and ensure the maximum payload capacity generating better profits. Furthermore, the client is delighted by the way they can generate more revenue because of the real-time route management.

  • Immediate and Crucial Alert System:

    To ensure driver safety there is an alert system that directly updates the management in case of any mishappenings to the driver or the vehicle, so a proper measure can be taken. This creates efficiency in drivers and also helps the Dispatchers to plan optimum routes and have a better risk management plan.

Technologies and Tools


  • Node.js
  • Express JS
  • React
  • MySQL
  • AWS

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