Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We place a lot of importance to your privacy at The NineHertz. We take considerable measures to protect your privacy as delineated below.

The Kind of Information We Collect

We clearly express our intent when we collect information such as.

  • Name of the organization and contact person

  • Address

  • Phone numbers

  • Electronic mail identity, etc.

Let’s Connect

Terms Of Use

These terms and conditions of use have been provided by The NineHertz and its affiliates (“The NineHertz”). The terms apply to your use of the website of The NineHertz, The accuracy of any information present on the website is not a responsibility of The Nine Hertz. The NineHertz also reserves the right to make any changes in the information including the terms, both partially or entirely.

In the situation where The NineHertz does make these changes, the amended documents will be posted on the website with the updated publication date. Although, you will not be given any direct intimation beforehand. Which is why we suggest you to keep checking all the documents at regular intervals so that you can stay informed about their status.

Disclaimer Of Warranty

All the materials on the website are given “AS IS” without warranty. The NineHertz does not acknowledge any warranties whatsoever. That includes all the conditions of merchantability, whether it is expressly implied or mandatory, fitness for any particular purpose, title & non-infringement and any warranty regarding the availability, accuracy or the content of any information.

The NineHertz gives no warranty that any of the features, functions, or information included will remain secure or free of errors, or if there are any defects, they will be corrected.

The NineHertz holds no responsibility for any malfunctioning or bugs or any instant event that might take place during your time on the site. Any usage of the elements or materials on the website is at your own risk and you hold the sole responsibility for any damage that might happen to your system during the course of action. This also includes the loss of your data, although it might be more than just that as well.

In any case, if you are not satisfied with the website or its functionality at any given point, you can simply discontinue using the site in a full manner.

Limitation Of Liability

The NineHertz will not be held accountable for any kind of damages, whether they are consequential or indirect, and will not be liable for any loss of profits or revenues and/or the costs of replacing goods or damages that are a result of the use of the information present. Even if The NineHertz was informed or aware of the possibility of any such damages in advance, no liability will be held.

User Conduct

During the course of time on the Site, you shall not:

“Upload, post or publish through the Site any material that fails to comply any provision of these mentioned terms”,
“Restrict or come in the way of any user from using or interacting with the Site”,
“Conduct yourself or encourage others to be a part of any criminal offense or give rise to any civil liability”,
“Misrepresent or impersonate your association with any other person or entity”,
“Upload, post, publish, distribute or exploit any of the information received through the Site for any commercial purposes unless it has been permitted by the provider of the information”,

The NineHertz holds the right, however, does not assume any obligation, to either monitor the Site and to disclose any information as The NineHertz seems apt or suitable to comply with any law or regulation by the government; to comply with any legal process; to be able to operate the Site without any problems; to protect the company or the users for other reasons as The NineHertz regulates in our own individual judgement.

The right to remove or refuse to upload any information entirely or partially is reserved with The NineHertz on the basis of being unacceptable, undesirable, inappropriate or in violation of any of the mentioned terms. The NineHertz also holds the right to discontinue your use of the Site at any time.

Software Downloads

The NineHertz and/or its suppliers hold the sole copyright of any software that is available for the purpose of downloading from the Site. The users will be subjected to using that software according to the respective terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) that comes alongside the software. The use of the software in any manner that is not in accordance with the respective EULA is strictly prohibited.

Use Of Contect

All the information or content found on the website, i.e. the communications, software, scripting, photos, text, video, graphics, music, sounds, images or any miscellaneous materials can only be used for informational, non-commercial or personal usage. However, this situation would only take place if you do not modify any materials and retain the entire copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the material.

Without the written consent of The NineHertz, you can not make use of any of the content of the Site for any commercial purposes.

Any copying of content without authorization, displaying or other use of content from this Site would be considered a violation of both domestic and/or international legislation which may further be pursued to the full extent of federal and state law.

Although there is no need to seek permission to link to The NineHertz from any site, a prior notification would be appreciated.

Copyright And Trademarks

Every given product/brand name is a trademark or a registered trademark of the respective holder. The trademark of The NineHertz is only provided for the purpose of your information, and its availability does not give you a license to use it. Every single material on this Site is a copyright of The NineHertz, or the person who created the material in the first place. No title or intellectual property rights are conveyed to you, instead, they remain the entire rights and title of The NineHertz or the person who created it originally.

Links To Third-Party Sites

The links of this Site may be provided to other third-party sites. However, no representation is made about any of the other sites that might be accessed through this Site whatsoever. The NineHertz does not hold any responsibility for the content of any linked site or any other links contained in the linked site.

The sole reason for providing the references on this Site to any names, marks, products or services of any third parties or hypertext links to third party sites or information, are for your convenience and nothing more. This should not be contemplated as any association of these sites with The NineHertz or any content, products or other materials that are present on these sites.

You agree that any damage or loss caused by being in connection with or relying on any content, goods or services available on these linked sites is not a liability of The NineHertz.

Applicable Laws

The NineHertz operates the site from within the United States of America. The NineHertz makes no saying that the content of the Site is available for use in any other location. Making use or accessing any information on the Site from territories where their content is not legal is strictly prohibited.

If you are accessing this site from any other location, you are doing it at your own risk and will be solely accountable to comply with any local laws that are applicable. Users can not use or transfer the content of the Site in violation of US export or any other law and regulations. Any claim made regarding the terms will be governed by the Laws of the State of California.

Data Subject Rights

Any personal information provided by you through either the Site (e.g. your name, email, phone number etc.) or that has been collected during the course of time of using the Site (e.g. IP address, location information, site usage data etc.) might be used by The NineHertz for communication and analytics purposes.

We will only make use of your personal data, that is where we have a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will be depending on the reasons for which we need to use your personal data. Some of the reasons for which we might use your personal data are:

1. You have given us your consent to access your personal data,
2. There is a legal obligation that needs compliance,
3. We need it for our legitimate interests in operating.

The duration for which we use your data will not be longer than necessary to fulfill the purpose it is getting processed for. The appropriate duration of retention of the data will be determined based on the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data; the purpose for which we are going to process it and whether or not those purposes can be achieved through other means.

We also take into consideration the periods for which we might have to retain that personal data so that we can meet our legal obligations, or to deal with any complaints or queries and to protect our legal rights if ever a claim is being made. Once we are through with using your personal data, we will safely delete or destroy it.

As a Data Subject, you have the right to:

Request any information regarding whether any of your personal information is being held by us, and if it is, what is the information and the reason for which we are using it.

Request complete access to any of your personal data or information. Doing this would enable you to receive a copy of your personal information held by us and to verify whether we are lawfully processing it or not.

Request any updating of the personal information we have of you. Doing this would enable you to get any incomplete or inaccurate information held by us corrected.

Request any removal of your personal information. Doing this enables you to ask us to eradicate any personal information when there is no seemingly good reason for us to continue using it. In another case, you can also ask us to remove your personal information where you have portrayed your right to object to processing.

Object to the processing of your personal information where we are relying on a third party interest and due to some reason, you object to processing. You can also object when and if we are processing your information for the purposes of direct marketing.

Object to automated decision-making including profiling, which is to not be a subject to any automated decision-making by us to use your personal information.

Request to restrict the processing of your personal information. Doing this enables you to ask us to stop the processing of your personal data, for instance, if you wish for us to determine its accuracy, or the reason because of which we are processing it.

Request the transferring of your personal data in an electronic form to you or anyone else. Doing this will enable you to take and transfer your data from us in an electronically useable format.

Withdrawal of consent. During any point of time, you have the right to withdraw your consent to the collection, processing or transfer of your personal information. As soon as we receive the notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will immediately stop processing your information, unless we have a legitimate reason to do otherwise.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, you can get in touch with us via email at [email protected]. We will get back to you within a period of one month.

Since we want to ensure that the personal information of any user is not disclosed to any person who does not have the right to receive it, we may have to request some specific information about you, which will help us confirm your identity.