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    Do Flutter App Development Dominate Android by 2023?

    Updated Date: November 3, 2022
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    “Are you looking for a Flutter app development company? Do you want to hire a Flutter app developer? Before taking any further step towards the creation of the application, understand the technology, Flutter. What makes it different from others? Will it be used for futuristic applications? Is there any alternative for Flutter in the coming years?”

    Introduction to Google Flutter for Mobile App Development

    Applications are the vast world of technology that is made in various other creative ways. Applications nowadays are so captivating and unique, that one cannot believe the eye. The jaw-dropping designs, high-performance, advanced chat systems, sensors, and whatnot. Creating an application requires plenty of ideas, creativity and of course use of best technology.

    The market is flooded with mobile applications. One with the best user-interface and good performance wins the race. Similarly, the market has a lot of technologies for mobile app creations, but some of them are highly in demand. Out of them, one rising star is Flutter. The Flutter development company in India has begun to hire Flutter programmers and are providing advanced knowledge about the relevant technology.

    Launched in 2017 by Google, Flutter framework made the developers of the world go gaga around it. The best feature observed is Single codebase, i.e., using a single code, one can develop an app in both Android and iOS.

    What Makes Flutter App Development Different?

    Experts say that Flutter is the future of mobile application technology. Well, is it? Let’s mark the fair answer to the experts’ opinions.

    1. UI Views

    In the Android application, the View is the soul of the screen. UI/UX designers take care of the view of screen, which matters for user engagement. Widgets somewhere play a good role in constructing UI and for its declaration. Widgets are helpful in custom development of code. The Android view is drawn only one time and does redraw till invalidate function is called. In a nutshell, Flutter developers are roughly equivalent to the android developers. Build your UI using a custom widget feature. Flutter has provided a document that is the complete guide of why the Flutter widgets are beneficial for Android. Flutter gives a seamless user interface and long lasting user experience.

    2. Dart Programming King

    Flutter and Android are both babies of Google, but they have entirely different architectures. Flutter uses Dart, whereas Android development uses Kotlin or Java.

    Although Flutter and android app development can be done in Android Studio, the Flutter is easier as it can be developed in light-weighted editors such as Sublime Text, IDE (like IntelliJ), Atom, etc. As mentioned previously, Flutter uses the Dart framework, which does not need any mode of communication with native modules. Flutter has everything which can turn an Android developer to Flutter developer.

    3. Single Codebase

    Flutter helps the Android developers to create cross-platform application with ease by using a single codebase programming language. It is accepted by the mass of developers that Flutter apps developed with Android Studio have better features and are smoother than apps developed with other cross-platform technology. They can be easily identified because of fewer features but with the launch of Flutter apps, it’s not easy to determine that the application was built in Flutter.

    Related Article: What Makes Flutter Ideal For Cross-Platform App Development?</p

    4. Hot Reload and Development

    For native Android applications, hire Android developers who uses platform tools and the other native build provided by Android Studio. It has all SDK tools embedded in IDE, Now these tools need Android Virtual Device to run the application. Whenever the developers make changes in the app, they have to rebuild the app or the third-party dependencies to see the changes in the Android Virtual Device. In this case, developers might experience the slow process of Gradle.

    In Flutter, the fabulous yet very time-saving feature, Hot Reload makes the developer see the instant changes. With the increase in the size of the app, developers need to plan new tricks to use this feature effectively. Here, dependency management for Android is handled by Gradle and for a Flutter, it is Pub Package Manager. Flutter has its dependency management system called Pub whereas android doesn’t have its own.

    5. Flutter Testing Support

    It is commonly known among the developers that Native Android tools support testing. Testing for native apps can be done using the command line of Gradle. One can add elements, integration and UI tests for Android apps. Numerous frameworks in Java and Kotlin are available got lower-level testing and also for UI testing. There are various levels of testing Android apps.

    Flutter provides solid testing that allows quality analysts to write tests at various levels of such as unit, UI. One of the best features Flutters offers is Widget testing which runs UI test fast, equivalent to unit tests. If you are a beginner Flutter developer, you can refer to several levels of testing Android apps in this shell. It runs in a separate process that can be run on real devices or emulators. Flutter has a separate package called Flutter Driver to drives the test in an easy manner.

    Scope of Flutter Mobile App Development in 2023?


    We did a simple comparison of Flutter and Android development. But this does not conclude the dominance of Flutter over Android apps. Android has set its market for years and the launch of Flutter has evolved the Android application standard. When you hire any Flutter developer make sure one has some experience of application in other app technology. Since Flutter is new, the developer must have an idea about the other frameworks to experiment fruitfully on your app. The ratio of Flutter mobile app development company is rising day-by-day.

    When you are looking for Flutter app development companies, look for Flutter programmers who are either expertise or have certification of Flutter app development. This lessens the chance of mistakes. You may find many dedicated Flutter developers from India who have actively certified themselves in Flutter mobile app technology. In case, you are unable to find Flutter programmers from your region. There’s an option to hire offshore Flutter developers, it gives you a wide variety of options of Flutter professionals.

    We can’t predict the future for Flutter development, but Flutter has a lot of potential to cover the mass (developers).

    Flutter, in today’s scenarios, is hot discussion over Quora and other IT sessions. Its first stable version is widely accepted around the globe. One can’t predict what the next version of Flutter carries along. By 2023, this may have half of the application’s framework.

    There are a lot of questions that may arise in the present.

    • Will companies choose Flutter as their first choice?
    • Will Android get outdated due to Flutter acceptance?
    • Should Android developers become Flutter developers?
    • When hire expert Flutter developer, the developer must have Android skills?

    Final Words

    Predictions and questions walk simultaneously. It is maybe an alarm to the native developers about the Flutter enhancement in mobile application technology.

    In today’s era, Whether Flutter is loved or hated, but can’t be ignored.

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    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.