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    How to Become a Web Developer? [Skills, Responsibilities and Roles]

    Updated Date: January 23, 2024
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Web development refers to the practice of employing different components in order to build a website. This process is constituted by coding as well as markup. In this section, we are going to unravel how to become a web developer in India. Since the industry of web development has been sprawling across the global swaddles, it is quite easy for it to attract a large number of enthusiasts who wish to make a career with it. Let us launch this article and learn everything there is to know about a career as a website developer. In this guide, you will get an idea about web developer salaries in India. Find the difference between fresher and senior web developer salaries in India and across countries.

    What Is a Web Developer?

    A web developer is the one who is given the responsibility to look after the programming as well as coding of the websites and any web-based services that are accentuated at the backend. This designation is straightforwardly inclined towards technical workings. However, it is often mistaken for the one of a web designer.

    The roles and responsibilities of a website developer are distinctive and they stress upon the mechanics and inside-the-engine happenings of a website. Their work could vary from a simple webpage to a high-end e-commerce web app.

    There are three types of web developers- full stack developer, front end developer, and back end developer. While the front-end developers are responsible for the user experience and user interface, the backend developers work on the servers. Thanks to the web programmer’s salary, this designation counts for one of the highest-paying jobs out there.

    What Does Web Developer Do? [Responsibilities and Roles]

    What are the web developer roles and responsibilities? What does a website developer do after all? While you are looking out for career options, you must be willing to dig into this designation and the work it brings along (after all, it pays in a handsome fashion).

    Basically, this designation is about communicating with the client and understanding their requirements with a web development project. This task is a must before anything else in order to avoid any hotchpotch of the task in the future.

    It is crucial to grasp the vantage view of clients towards the project and know and note down their expectations in terms of the features of their website to its ambiance. This is not it. The deadline is also a major note for any web developer to pen down in their to-do.

    These are the very responsibilities of websites builders, especially the newbies which help them have a breakthrough ahead in their career. Here are the responsibilities of web developers that have to be integrated in order to accelerate career growth in this field. web developer responsibilities

    Web Developer Responsibilities and Roles

    • Set the link between the landing page and different databases.
    • Connect the website with a payment gateway (if the website is e-commerce).
    • Know HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and many other web design coding languages that are required.
    • Build and test apps for websites.
    • Collaborate with designers.
    • Acknowledge and troubleshoot website issues.
    • Keeping tabs on website traffic.
    • Optimize the site for accessing on mobile
    • Maintain as well as update websites from time to time.

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    What Skills are Required to Become a Website Developer?

    web developer skills If you are planning to hit the web development world to launch your career, then you have to be well-introduced to the web development skills that are needed to become one.

    Here are the basic and most important things an aspiring web developer must learn-

    Understanding the Fundamentals of Web Development

    In order to become a website developer, you have to have in-depth knowledge of how this whole web thing works. It is necessary to boost your learning about HTML and CSS which will encourage you to build more advanced web pages. Understanding it will also boost your problem-solving skills, given that you know the logic behind advanced programming concepts.

    Understanding Programming

    Then come the programming fundamentals. Gaining knowledge of the workings of programming is crucial as an aspiring web developer as it will enhance their skills to write and create components. Learning JavaScript and not to forget, object-oriented programming is best done at the initial stage of getting started with the web coder’s career option.

    Hands-on Different Frameworks

    It is essential for aspiring web developers to know and understand how to use the React framework. It is required in creating web pages of complex and dynamic demeanor as well as coming up with professional-like user interfaces. If you are interested in making a career as a website,builders you should know how to create servers with the help of modern back-end frameworks and also, how to build custom APIs as well as server static sites and files.

    Server-Side Programming and Databases

    Understanding the server-side rendering as well as the templating engines is another important skill for web developers to possess. These are incorporated in making blank page templates that are filled with dynamic data, for example- a collection of product pages on any e-commerce website.

    Apart from that, an aspiring website developer should also be well-equipped with the knowledge on the foundational concepts of data and know-how to maintain databases as well as data on a web server.

    Networking Skills for a Web Developer

    Yes. Networking does count as a must-have web developer skill. It is crucial for website developers to set up a network and open the doors to constant learning, given that the programming languages and workings keep changing. You can try different channels to network such as web development courses, coding boot camps, workshops, and panel discussions. Apart from that, you can also offer your contribution to open-source names like Bootstrap or GitHub.


    Last but not least on our list of web developer skills and requirements- web programmers should always have a portfolio. In order to become a website developer, there is no way you will not need a hand from a portfolio studded with your projects while you are on a job hunt.

    This part is non-negotiable in order to showcase your skills to help clients understand you and different industries to get knowledge about your versatility.

    Why Should One Choose a Web Developer Career?

    Why would you become a website developer? What are the web developer career advantages that you could be bestowed with?

    It is veiled from no one how the web industry is burgeoning every day. It is the evident reason why website developers are always in demand, leading an important role. So yes, there is no saying in the fact that there are pretty look-good advantages of web developers.

    Let us look at the following checkpoints to get an idea of the benefits of starting a website programmer careerweb developer career

    Web Developers Career Provide Flexible Job Opportunity

    The website developer job is fantastically flexible. Web builders are not restricted to a specific location and they can work from wherever they want. If you want to go for the role of team member then you can choose the full-time web developer job option. You can also play solo in the role of a freelancer and perform remotely.

    Easy to Start Website Developer Career

    There is nothing to fret over when getting started with the web developer job as it allows you to choose among the options of different work types- full-time job or freelancer. It frees you from any nuisance and you are able to work comfortably, the way you want.

    Scope of Learning and Growth

    One of the best reasons why you should become a web developer is that a website developer job always has room for more skills that you can leverage into amping up your resume. There is HTML and then JavaScript and CSS already out there. But if you suddenly get motivated to add more languages to your skills then there is no one stopping you.

    You can go with PHP, AngularJS, Ajax, Ruby, and well, more. This part is super good to oil your career and besides that, it gives an attractive boost in the web programmer salary. Now isn’t that cool enough?

    A Legion of Web Developer Job Opportunities

    The web development job opportunities appear in a bigger number than you think. Thanks to the ever-growing e-commerce culture that it continues to unveil new websites or pace up with the trends by redesigning and this is what highlights the demand for web developers out there. So, you need not worry about the website creator job opportunities (and the web developer salary) if you want to hit this career.

    It’s Fun

    One last advantage of web developer jobs on our list has to be this. If you are passionate about the tech-accented languages and the dance of coding, you cannot help but admit how hooked and fun this job keeps an individual in it. First of all, there is a galore of web development job opportunities and then, there is a big big world of learning and growth. And if that is not sound-good, you have got the handsome website developer salary factor to take pleasure in. So yes, it brings encouragement and satisfaction.

    Web Developer Qualifications: What Qualifications Do You Need?

    There is not really any stiff or dedicated set of qualifications required to become a web developer. However, a degree in relevant subjects such as science or maths is unbeatable. Besides that, it is important to have strong creative ability, computer literacy, attention to detail, logical attitude towards work, ability to communicate technical matters precisely, problem-solving approach, and not to forget the passion for coding.

    Web Developer Qualifications to Make a Move Ahead

    • Hands-on UX/UI and visual design
    • Coding languages including CSS and HTML
    • Skills in front-end web programming languages such as JavaScript, Ajax, and various web animation techniques
    • Skills in back-end web programming languages including PHP, C# or Java, and Ruby
    • Understanding of software like Illustrator and Sketch and Photoshop
    • A grasp over the SEO workings
    • Knowledge of servers and how they work

    Also Read: AngularJS Vs ReactJS

    Average Senior Web Developer Salary in India and Different Countries

    web developer salary Well, well, well! Here comes the most interesting question of all, without any vagueness. How much does a web programmer earn? First of all, there is no denying the fact that the salary of web developers looks good. Then, it is determined by multiple factors including geographical stance.

    Let us take a look at website developer salaries based on location, experience, and skills-

    Website Developers Salary in India Vs Other Countries

    Countries Average Annual Salary Range of Web Developers
    USA $38K – $85K
    UK $35K to $80K
    Germany $45K to $95K
    Australia $30K to $65K
    Japan $25K to $50K
    Switzerland $40K to $90K
    India $5K to $16K
    Bangladesh $3K to $12K

    The salary range for web developers is impacted by the geographical station of the developer to an extent bigger than you think. While a developer gets between $35K to $80K in the UK, the one gets $38K – $85K in the United States and $5K to $16K web developers in India. Let us take a look at the salary of web developers country-wise.

    Senior Web Developer Salary in India Vs Other Countries

    Countries Average Annual Salary of Web Developers (>5 Years.) Average Annual Salary of Senior Web Developers (<5 Years)
    USA $50K $80K
    UK $46K $75K
    Germany $60K $90K
    Australia $45K $60K
    Japan $38K $45K
    Switzerland $63K $85K
    India $10k $14K
    Bangladesh $5K $9K

    Entry-level web developers salary $50K annually on average in the US, while they earn $45K in Australia, $10K in India, $60K in Germany, and $46K in the UK, On the other hand, senior-level website developer salary goes around $80K in the US, $90K in Germany, $75K in the UK, $85K in Switzerland, $60K in Australia and $9K in India.

    Take a look at the salaries of web developers in different countries by their experience-

    As you can see in the table, Switzerland and Australia are from the group of highest-paying countries for the website creaters while India and Indonesia come on the list of the lowest paying ones.

    Salary of Experience Web Developers

    Web Development Language Average Salary of Web Developers
    CSS $64K
    HTML $69K
    PHP $70K
    JavaScript $30.4K to $67.2K
    C++ $87K
    Java $12.9K to $91.5K
    Python $90K
    Kotlin $99K

    The web developer’s salary is also directed by the skill and language factor on the individual’s portfolio. While the one gets an average pay of $64K annually with CSS skills, developers with JavaScript get an average salary of $82K per year and the HTML comes with $69K every year.

    Let us now gather some insights on the average website makers salary by language.

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    How to Become a Web Developer in India? [4 Tips to Start Career]

    become a web developer

    Start with the ABCs and All Other Fundamentals of Web Development

    You have to start from somewhere anyway, so you better start it the smart way and get your power-packed hold over the web development fundamentals. By this, we mean that you should gain a good knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that come for the starters in learning web development.

    You can check into coding boot camps in order to mind the fast-fledged learning of web development basics and more. A number of the aspiring website makers take a hand from coding boot camps in order to get precise learning in this field. This is not it. Your learning phase should never cease to deploy when it comes to the web development sector.

    Tap Into Your Specialization of Skills

    Now that you have come forward with your lessons on web development, do not just cut to the chase and focus on carving out your area of specialization. In order to reach there, you must understand the three types of web development- front-end developer, back-end developer, and full-stack developer. Here is what these categories refer to-

    • A Front-End Developer is the one who works on the part of web development for the client-side which means that any part of an app or site that interacts with users comes under the management of the front-end developer.
    • A Back-End Developer is the one who works on the server part of the web development. They are dedicated to looking after the way a site or app performs and involve databases, networks, servers and hosting, and more.
    • A Full-Stack Developer refers to a developer who focuses on both fronts as well as back-end development. They work with both parts of a website.

    Hone Your Skills Over Key Programming Languages

    Despite your best of the maestro power over any language in web development, it is non-negotiable to know a slew of other languages and understand how and when to use them. The basic programming languages are CSS, HTML JavaScript alongside many more languages that, if you get a hold over them, can fuel your salary to handsomeness.

    Build a Portfolio

    Ready to flaunt your web developer skills? Get it geared with a portfolio with your projects and skills mentioned clearly over there. Note that a portfolio to make the best of website developer jobs better features diverse details instead of focusing on one area.

    What About Web Developer Courses?

    web developers courses While there is not necessarily the need to obtain a degree to become a web developer, a bachelor’s degree in computer science has traditionally been sought by the aspirants for a volumized portfolio. However, it is very crucial to carry the grip over technical knowledge and programming languages in order to ace any web development job.

    What About Web Developers Jobs in India?

    Thanks to the ever-growing movement of the online station of activities, there is always a rush to be seen in the employment sector when it comes to web developer jobs. It is up to you whether you’d like to work solely and remotely or get the gig started with teamwork and organizational culture. As far as the salary term is concerned, it is on your portfolio, set of skills, and the approach to communicating your qualifications that determine the figures, be it a job of a freelance web developer or the full-time one.

    Web Development Jobs- Get. In. The. Grind.

    The world of the web is full of fascinations and exuberance, believe it or not. It is one of the most well-paying jobs and shows job satisfaction among individuals, thanks to its dynamic vogue of job opportunities and learning which makes many individuals aspire to be a rockstar of this industry.

    No matter what happens, the web developer jobs will continue to be in demand looking at the rapid hike in online businesses and this will only invite more job oppression for web development enthusiasts. If you’d like to get your feet into it, you better do it and check each must-do of the web development career-making in order to reserve an eye-drooling increase in your salary.

    FAQ’s On How to Start a Website Programmers Career?

    You can become a web developer in a few months, given that you are contributing hours and hours every day to acing the coding lessons. The fastest way to becoming a web developer is signing yourself up for a coding Bootcamp as today, coding boot camps help aspiring web developers learn programming languages within 3 to 6 months.

    You can start off with pursuing software engineering courses or a technical degree to become a software developer. Besides that, it is crucial that you devote a few hours daily to learn programming languages. To develop finesse in skills, you can join bootcamp which will help you to achieve your goal a bit faster. On top of that, it is recommended that you get certified and go with an internship to add volume to your portfolio.

    There is no specific degree or qualification which you can pursue in order to become a web developer. You can learn to program online or offline. Today, the coding boot camps help aspirants develop skills within 3 to 6 months. More importantly, you must dedicate a few hours every day to honing your skills and sharpen your domain of specialization to volumize your portfolio.

    To become a web developer, you need to start with learning the very fundamentals of the programming world which especially includes a variety of languages. You must have knowledge about the key programming languages. Besides that, it is important that you realize your development specialization as it will help you with the job hunt. To make the best of your learning, start working on projects, however small and try to get an internship.

    A web developer is someone who is dedicated to developing worldwide web apps using a set of different programming languages as well as web technologies. Website developers look after the design and development of websites and web applications. Web developers are responsible for the website functionality, implementation of application features, their deployment and the integration of security aspects.

    If you are new to the web development world and want to start with learning web development courses for free then there are a few platforms that you can check. There are multiple free web development courses that are available for aspirants over platforms like Coursera, CodeAcademy, Khan Academy, and Udemy. You can also check out MIT’s free course.

    The first and foremost way to become a web designer is to know web designing in theory. Then, you need to start learning how to use the key web designing tools. Besides that, it is essential that you work on a few projects to chisel your web design skills and compose a web designer portfolio to flaunt your web design work and achievements. Then you can go out and hunt for the right web design job for yourself.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.