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    10 Major Challenges for iPhone App Development in 2023

    Updated Date: January 3, 2023
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Since its inception in 2007, Apple managed to maintain its customer base with its devices meant for a class, not for a mass. and the company keeps on launching new or improved iPhone devices furnished with modern and innovative technologies.

    Surely, it allures users but the technological advancements always come up with the new challenges and problems for the iOS developers in lieu to meet the innovation standards offered by Apple.

    In this blog post, we are going to mention the top 10 biggest challenges iOS developers will encounter while iPhone App Development in the year 2020. Here You can find a list of the top 30 iPhone app development companies list.

    1. Maintaining App Compatibility with Different iOS Versions and Devices

    There is no secret that Apple tends to release the latest iOS versions every year. The company launched its latest version iOS 13 in September 2019 exactly one year after the release of iOS 12 in September 2018. Every version comes with technological advancements that require the up-gradation of available apps to meet the standards of the improved iOS versions.

    Other than this, the iOS developers need to examine the compatibility of every iOS application with different iOS devices including iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple Watch. It helps in determining problems. If any, they need to be resolved in time. Else compatibility issues across different devices and different size screens can lead to a loss for Apple company customers.

    2. Getting Control of Storage and Memory Limitations of iOS Devices

    iphone app storage

    With iOS devices, restrictions of storage and memory are one of the most common challenges for the iOS developers. Because they do not have a garbage collection function like Android devices. Fundamentally, this function helps in identifying the objects which are no longer in use by the program and discard them so that the resources can be reused.

    Therefore, it’s a challenge for an iPhone app development company or when you hire iOS developers for your iOS application project that they maintain a sheer balance between the app performance and the memory constraints of the device.

    Other than this, the application is developed for a single version of iOS and the same app runs on different devices. Supporting that iOS version based on their storage and memory constraints. In case any app needs more space then there are chances that the hardware can showcase the app unusable.

    Such issues can only be resolved, aiming at the app performance by eliminating redundant features that makes it heavier.

    3. Fighting Poor Battery Life Challenge While iPhone App Development

    It has been easier for iOS app developers to develop a superb app furnished with a multitude of features. But at the same time, the application must be high in performance and not consume much of battery life. If there will be no trade-off between app performance and battery life, customers would not take time to uninstall the application. So the hire iOS developers should beware of developing battery-friendly applications incorporated with powerful features. Here you can check guide for iPhone app development.

    4. Keeping Users Intact with Appropriate UI/UX Design

    iphone app UI

    iOS applications are highly popular in the app market due to their superior user experience and clean design concept. So these are things which an iPhone app development company or hire iOS developers should keep in mind while developing an application.

    Also, the app interface should contain only the necessary functions and features to provide a user-friendly process flow.

    In addition to this, keeping an eye over the latest UI/UX trends can give you an edge over your competitor as the app designs are constantly changing with time.

    5. Obtaining App Store Approvals for iPhone Apps

    In the first quarter of 2019, there were around 1.84 million apps available to download on Apple’s App Store. And the count is increasing daily. But deploying an application on the App Store is not that easy since it follows stringent guidelines and violation of a simple rule can result in rejection of your application. Also, these development guidelines from the tech giant keep on updating on a regular basis.

    So, iOS app developers and the iPhone app development company must stay aware of Apple’s updated guidelines and latest standards of content code, metadata, intellectual property rights, and others.

    6. Ensuring iPhone Application Security

    app security

    In this digital era when we are witnessing the increased use of innovative technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Cybersecurity comes forward as one of the biggest challenges with the hackers being smart each passing day.

    Developers are required to adopt sophisticated encryption measures to protect application data from hackers and vulnerabilities. An advanced and powerful security layer can only help developers to avoid data breach and ensure application security.

    7. Developing Cross-Platform Apps

    In the market, there are companies that are aiming at the development of applications that can run on multiple platforms rather than only on a single platform. The Cross-platform applications offer users the synchronicity of application’s access across multiple devices (desktops, laptops, phones, and tablets) and operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    In the current date, for an enterprise willing to develop an application. It does not matter whether the app will be pure content-based, video-based, or document-based. Yet it should be accessible over a multitude of devices without any platform dependency.

    8. Future-Proofing iPhone App Development

    ios app for future

    In the current era when technology is evolving at a rapid pace, developing future-proof iOS apps seems difficult at first. Since your application will be seen outdated after 2-3 years. And knowing about the forthcoming Apple’s innovation in advance is kind of an unpredictable feat.

    But limited iOS developers can estimate Apple’s upcoming changes in the iOS versions considering Apple’s line of products and thinking.

    9. Ensuring App Performances in Low-Speed Networks

    In current times, network speed may not be a major issue due to the presence of numerous network providers. However, the concern may be associated with the video downloads, streaming services, and other features that consume a lot of data. Therefore, to check the performance of the application, data checks need to be performed strategically through application optimization.

    10. Poor Beta Testing While iOS App Development

    Beta Testing is an essential part of iPhone app development before its deployment on Apple’s App Store. Beta users check the functionality of the application and find out possible issues, bugs, breakdowns, and faulty architecture. Either the iOS app developers recognize these possible problems in advance or get to know via users’ feedback and fix them before the application launch.

    hire iphone app developers


    iOS developers encounter numerous problems and challenges during iPhone app development but above mentioned are the major ones. It is easier for outsourced iPhone app development companies or hire iOS developers to resolve these issues with their extended knowledge and technical skills in the field of mobile apps.

    The developers can stay a step forward in the iOS app development sector just by keeping a periodic tab on researchers, discussions & blogs, and getting the latest information about the Apple releases.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.