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    30+ Blockchain Applications Ideas to Boost Your Business in 2023

    Updated Date: January 12, 2023
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Without a doubt, blockchain development is going to be the future. This technology has advanced significantly in the past decade and is predicted to reach a market capitalization of $39.7 billion by 2025. Blockchain has become a one-stop solution for everything, whether it is simplifying corporate processes or developing a supply chain management system.

    According to studies, over 37,000 people use blockchain apps on a regular basis. Furthermore, there are various blockchain experts available on the market. Although the number may appear small in comparison to other apps, the Blockchain Applications Ideas trend is quickly catching up.

    Hopefully you looked for gaming ideas and found them as well. But are you interested in learning about the new blockchain app ideas that will impact in 2022. So right here we will look into the various industries that these blockchain app ideas might have an impact on. But first, let’s talk about blockchain technology before diving into the meat of blockchain app ideas.

    What is Blockchain Technology?

    Blockchain technology is well known for playing a crucial part in Bitcoin, as it has the capacity to keep a decentralised transaction record. In blockchain, data is distributed among network nodes and stored in discrete blocks in a digital format. The best aspect of blockchain technology is that it fosters user confidence while ensuring high levels of security and transparency. Furthermore, there is no requirement for third-party inclusion, and the data records remain secure.

    Blockchain Applications Ideas for Finance

    Blockchain Applications Ideas for Finance
    Blockchain was created as a secure cryptocurrency transaction system. Its implementations across industries reflect these origins by using the similar paradigm of distributed ledgers that connect disparate data.

    With cryptocurrency’s cultural prominence, now, it is easier than ever to launch a finance-focused blockchain enterprise.

    1. Recommend Cryptocurrency Investments

    There are numerous ways to profit from cryptocurrency trading. All cryptocurrency transactions take place on the blockchain, which means there is a permanent record of transactions to grab the information from. Cryptocurrency trading consulting firms make recommendations to interested investors based on their findings.

    2. Host a Cryptocurrency Exchange Network

    Customers can trade cryptocurrencies within the platform using exchange networks. Because of the transparency of blockchain, currency values are available in real-time for traders; this cryptocurrency exchanges platform is ideal for partnering with an investment consultancy to serve as a one-stop shop for curious investors.

    3. Allow vendors to pay in cryptocurrency

    Companies are becoming more willing to accept cryptocurrency as payment for their goods and services (for example, Tesla will soon accept Bitcoin). However, new infrastructure and learning are required. Also, intermediary businesses offer a valuable service to clients by fostering cryptocurrency payments for companies, resellers, and clients.

    4. Launching a Digital Wallet

    Now, wondering how launching a digital wallet can be the best idea so cryptocurrency is secure as it requires a unique key to access. With the correct cybersecurity tools, digital wallets allow people to access their crypto assets at any time. Even physical and offline crypto storage drives are there to keep currency safe and unhackable.

    5. Transfer Currency Around the Globe

    Credit unions are preferred for international money transfers, but typically impose fees and often require customers to visit a physical branch to collect payments. As blockchain transactions occur instantly and often automatically, transferring cryptocurrency around the world is incredibly fast and significantly less expensive.

    Platforms that transfer cryptocurrency can charge minor transaction fees to compete with larger financial institutions (or a currency exchange network).

    6. Promote Instantaneous Peer-to-Peer Lending

    Blockchain allows you to access peer-to-peer money transfers by using the same concept as a credit union transfer. This implies that individuals can take money from one or more international sources via a platform without the need for complicated back-and-forth communications or expensive foreign exchange fees.

    7. Crowdfunding With Crypto

    Crowdfunding a small enterprise isn’t a new notion, but blockchain technology makes it safer to raise funds from others.

    You might create a cryptocurrency crowdfunding portal for a specific sector or niche that charges a minimal fee for each fundraising project. This enables fundraisers to rapidly access their funds via a coin exchange service.

    8. Manage Cryptocurrency Estate Funds

    Estate planning is a complicated process, but if you don’t give your loved ones or even lawyers access to crypto funds, they will have a lot of difficulty accessing them. In any circumstance, like illness or death, smart contracts can monitor the asset transfer procedure without blunders, ensuring that your funds are not forever lost.

    9. App for UPI Payment

    Payment apps based on UPI, or Unified Payments Interface, are all the rage these days. It is a real-time inter-bank payment mechanism that lets money be sent or requested. Money can be sent or requested using an account number or IFSC code, a mobile number, a virtual payment address, an Aadhaar number, or even a QR code if many bank accounts are linked to a single or dedicated app.

    10. App for tracking borrowed funds

    Friends planning an outing together would love this app because it helps keep track of who owes them money and how much. Use this app whenever a group decides on an activity in advance (like making concert or restaurant reservations) and there isn’t enough time before the event to ensure that everyone has made an upfront payment.

    Blockchain Applications Ideas for Business

    Blockchain Applications Ideas for Business
    Patterns are used in both technology and e-commerce to foresee trends and plan ahead. Blockchain creates an immutable ledger of data that can influence and forecast trends better than humans, making it a perfect technology for e-commerce and advertising. If you have a business then definitely you have explored unique domain names. Now, let’s look at how a distributed ledger helps you grow your business with these blockchain ideas.

    1. Monitor and grow customer loyalty.

    Maintaining brand loyalty is a daunting task. Customers now have more options and selections than ever before. Brands that use consumer spending data to influence marketing campaigns are always searching for novel approaches to communicate with their most devoted clients.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is used by blockchain-based customer loyalty businesses to evaluate spending habits and target high-value clients with particular incentives. Employing these businesses will give retail, food service, and other industries a competitive edge.

    2. Exchange Loyalty Rewards

    Smart customers understand how to take advantage of brand loyalty programmes (for example, opening a credit card account to score a reward, then closing the account after terms are met). As a result, businesses do not always engage with their most eager clients through reward programs; blockchain can enable organisations to target these customers more readily.

    Loyalty reward management programs feature brand buy-in, allowing customers to barter their awards with one another. This company facilitates peer-to-peer transactions with reward programs from many companies and even industries. It can be traded as long as the blockchain can verify its validity.

    3. Buy and Sell Online Advertising Space

    Advertising frequently uses AI to predict consumer preferences. If a business doesn’t have access to the appropriate advertising space, it may find it challenging to take advantage of those preferences.

    An instantaneous transaction to purchase that space is immediately recorded by a blockchain startup that uses AI to select the optimal advertising space. Even better, AI can operate within a blockchain to allow clients to swap advertising space in the event of a new product introduction or an unexpected requirement.

    4. Sell Targeted, Single-Source Advertising

    Some businesses lack the resources to cast a wide advertising net and instead concentrate on a smaller target. Single-source advertising avoids the need for bothersome banner ads while targeting a specific demographic.

    Some advertising firms leverage AI to locate pages where target consumers are expected to spend a lot of time, such as the comment sections of specific news or opinion outlets. The corporation then secures advertising space on those few pages using blockchain. This reduces clients’ advertising expenses while increasing their chances of converting customers.

    5. Verify Luxury Goods

    The immutable nature of blockchain makes it the ideal verification tool for art, luxury products, and other items. A blockchain authentication company logs the dates, hours, and serial numbers of products produced using information provided by the manufacturer. Customers could utilize this service to check the legitimacy of their purchases.

    6. Track Shipments in Real-Time

    Keeping track of a shipment’s exact position between transportation facilities used to be challenging. But with Blockchain, it can be easy. How? So blockchain networks use nodes to ping your package and receive real-time location updates. Blockchain shipment tracking companies track this data and allow customers to track their shipments on demand.

    7. Safeguard Your Assets With a Digital Identity

    Digital IDs are special codes that are applied to items or products to confirm their connection to an owner. Digital identities are created and assigned to objects by blockchain identity businesses. If someone has access to the serial number, VIN, or any identification metric, they can use this to issue their own special IDs to any item to prove their ownership.

    8. Storing Medical Records

    A medical record that stores patient data is the most important digital information. What role may blockchain applications play? A blockchain-based programme can expedite medical record storage while maintaining transparency in the remote flow of data without the use of third-party intermediaries.

    9. Entertainment Apps

    In order to retain authenticity, privacy, and rights to important data, the entertainment sector deals with concerns such as copyright infringement, ownership rights, censorship, and transparency. By providing a distributed database with centralized control over shared resources, public-private key encryption controls for content access, and distribution management for assets and digital rights, blockchain applications can help with these problems.

    10. Charities and Aid Organisations

    Charities and aid groups are the most corrupt sectors since people who donate huge sums of money don’t even know if their money is being used properly. Through Ethereum wallet apps that run on a decentralised platform without the need for middlemen or third-party involvement, blockchain applications ideas can eliminate this ambiguity.

    Ideas for IT Blockchain Business

    Ideas for IT Blockchain Business
    Blockchain decentralises activities away from a single server, ensuring that data doesn’t reside in a single place and is therefore more difficult to hack or steal. Blockchain technology is thus excellent for IT applications, like the business examples below.

    1. Smart Appliances

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is made up of smart appliances. By keeping the data collected from these devices on blockchain, users can make the data immutable and make it more difficult for thieves to interfere with services.

    Patently Walmart, for example, is a blockchain app ideas for the IoT. With Patently Walmart, each gadget is assigned a unique identification, and users have access to a password via their smartphones. This password allows users to administer each device with the knowledge that all transactions and messages are encrypted and routed through a secure network. All device configuration modifications are auditable since they are saved on a tamper-proof blockchain technology.

    2. Sell Decentralized Cloud Storage

    Cloud storage is a significant advancement over conventional hardware-bound storage. The data is still kept on a centralised server that may crash or go unavailable.

    Blockchain-based decentralised cloud storage disperses data throughout the world to verify and secure it. This eases the load on individual servers and guarantees that only the customer can access customer information.

    3. Rent cloud storage space Peer-to-Peer

    Since blockchain storage minimises the burden on individual servers by dispersing information throughout the globe, individual servers can host “pieces” of information. A blockchain storage leasing startup connects customers to a peer-to-peer network where they can rent a portion of their cloud storage space.

    Peer-to-peer storage connects users who have storage capacity to rent or merely require a modest quantity of storage space. Renters can establish their own prices while the rental company handles the transaction.

    4. Outsource IT Work

    To make sure expectations are met, traditional IT outsourcing includes a lot of setup, planning, and relationship management. Businesses have a thorough record of work history that can be promptly confirmed by using collaborators over a trusted blockchain network.

    This setup is comparable to other IT outsourcing businesses, but it enables businesses to properly vet the IT centres they outsource to. By providing more information, both parties are assured of having aligned goals.

    5. Host Decentralized Websites

    Websites are hosted on servers, which may crash or cease to function for other reasons. Due to the blockchain’s decentralised nature, data is dispersed over multiple “ghost” servers, which are untraceable.

    Blockchain can be an advantageous choice for hosting websites because there is no central server that might crash and make a site inaccessible.

    6. Create Blockchain Systems for Other Companies

    Blockchain development is difficult for new adopters of the technology. A blockchain company is simply a network of developers who specialise in blockchain technology and work with other businesses to help them implement it.

    Blockchain Business App Ideas for Travel

    Blockchain Business App Ideas for Travel
    As Blockchain users are constantly updated in real time, the technology is well-suited for the fast-paced transportation business. These blockchain company ideas investigate connected travel and transportation technologies that make both more effective for users.

    1. Manage Hotel Vacancy Errors

    Online hotel room booking sites overwhelm customers with choices. While doing so occasionally enables tourists to book a room at a discounted rate, it could lead to inconsistencies with the booking.

    Real-time booking information verification is made possible by blockchain-based booking services for hotels and tourists. This benefits both parties by reducing booking errors and avoidable cancellations.

    2. Rent Parking Spaces

    No matter where you go, public parking is frequently inconvenient. Spots are scarce, and prices are frequently exorbitant. To address this issue for customers, blockchain parking networks let individuals, businesses, and even cities sell their parking spaces for rent. Parking tickets will become a thing of the past as blockchain technology ensures that booking data is precise and immutable.

    3. Create a Wallet for Self-Driving Vehicles

    We will have to reconsider a number of common aspects of driving a car as a result of autonomous (self-driving) automobiles. Blockchain enables non-human objects like vehicles and houses to own digital wallets. Using this technology, driverless cars have built-in bitcoin wallets that owners can preload. The vehicle automatically approves payment when vacating a parking spot for the precise amount of time it occupied the spot. This ensures minute-by-minute accuracy of parking fees.

    4. Cover Peer-to-Peer Rideshare Gaps

    Ridesharing is a vital convenience for many Americans, but not every city in the country has a rideshare company. Consumers have few options for transportation in areas where these companies do not operate. Without the requirement for an established rideshare network, blockchain rideshare businesses instantly connect riders to individual drivers.

    Drivers can accept payment directly with bitcoins (or any other tender they like), evading city and state rules that prevent other rideshare businesses from entering the market. Drivers can also notify vacancies in their cars for shared rides more accurately.

    5. Make Rideshares Safer and More Efficient

    Drivers who put in a lot of overtime while still having to pay self-employment taxes may be taken advantage of by ridesharing. Some businesses believe that empowering community-owned ridesharing networks with blockchain applications ideas will provide drivers with greater control and freedom.

    Riders and drivers contribute as members in these cooperative companies. In order to provide transparency for driving records and prior ride reviews, a blockchain preserves separate data on both parties.

    Last Few words

    Whether it’s a start-up or an established business, blockchain app ideas is beneficial for everyone. Therefore, in order to grow their business, entrepreneurs must investigate innovative Blockchain app ideas. One of the best things about blockchain technology is that it can be applied to any industry, no matter how big or small. Blockchain will also be a key technology in 2022 and moving beyond because it streamlines data and keeps it safe.

    Furthermore, in order to achieve the best results, businesses must select the correct Blockchain technology development partner. The NineHertz is well-known for providing best-in-class blockchain development services. We have a team of skilled and Blockchain consultants who will go above and beyond to give the best possible service to our clients.

    As a result, to learn more about our work, please review our work portfolio and contact us today for the best Blockchain development services.


    Q1: What projects can I do with blockchain?

    Blockchain can be used to build a myriad of projects, such as electronic voting systems, healthcare data management systems, land registries, KYC verifications, insurance data applications, and so on.

    Q2:How do I start a blockchain business?

    To start with your own blockchain business, start by selecting the best consensus mechanism, choosing the best blockchain platform (such as Chain Core, Ethereum, etc.), designing the nodes and blockchain instance, creating APIs, designing the admin and user interface, and, last but not least, incorporating AI (Artificial Intelligence), Cloud, Bots, IoT (internet of things), etc., you are ready to launch your own blockchain business.

    Q3: How do I become a blockchain developer?

    To become a blockchain developer, you must first study and explore the fundamentals of blockchains, as well as learn about cryptonyms, cryptocurrencies, and Ethereum and DApps.

    Q4:Which language is best for blockchain?

    Python is a top-notch programming language for blockchain projects. It is adaptable, highly functional, and safe. Even though C++ is the primary programming language used in blockchain technology, it is also modern, dependable, and safe. Nevertheless, a few data scientists and engineers prefer to build their blockchains in different languages.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.