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    Social Media App Development: Role Of Database, Back-end & Admin Panel

    Updated Date: January 19, 2022
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    If you want to build a social media app to offer services to your customers, then you arrived at the right place. When we see the scenario from the developer’s point of view, social media app development contains a three-tier architecture: client, backend, and database which are the most important sections of the app development process. In this post, we will be explaining the role of database and backend in a social media app. It will help you to understand the whole process of creating a sophisticated social media mobile application. In this post, we will be explaining the role of database and backend in a social media app. It will help you to understand the whole process of creating a sophisticated social media mobile application.

    process of social media app development

    Role Of Database in Social Media App Development

    A database is the backbone of your social media app. Your database can be SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, etc. But if you are looking for the best database for your social media app then we would recommend MySQL or PostgreSQL.

    The prime reason behind is that NoSQL databases don’t support one to one and many to one relationship and MongoDB doesn’t store photo likes.

    Database for Social Media App

    Now the next concern is the performance of your database. You could examine that by checking its query performance. A bonny database always fits into all the database queries, thus you should look for a strong database for your social media mobile app development.

    But along with the performance of the database, there are some other features as well, which are mandatory for all the databases. Some of them are listed below:

    >> Easy Backup and Recovery Options

    >> General operability in difficult conditions

    >> Monitoring

    The backup system plays a vital role in a successful database. Your backup system should be capable enough to handle any accident and damage. If an accident occurs, the data can be easily recovered through the backup. Another thing that comes to mind is ‘the capacity of your database?’ You have to check the capacity of your database as social media apps face heavy traffics and user engagement than the other types of apps.

    If you are unable to handle the heavy traffic, you could hire a database administrator. A database administrator will always take care of your app’s database. Some companies provide remote DBA services as well, you could take help from these companies.

    Choosing Right Backend Server for Social Media App Development

    The performance of the backend depends on the real-time traffic on your mobile app. For example, if 1 million users are using your social media app at the same time then will your backend be able to handle such a huge amount of users.

    Thus, choosing the right backend infrastructure is the prime concern in overall mobile app development. You have to make sure that you are having a load balancing backend server and you could scale it up in real-time depending on the traffic on your social media app.

    Backend Server for Social Media App

    Now the question is, which one is the best backend? We would suggest, you should go for Ruby on Rails or MVC PHP framework for your social media app. Apart from the backend server, every smartphone app has an Admin panel that manages all the communication between users and an app. Let’s check it:

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    Admin Control Panel for Social Media App

    A user can ask questions related to the history of the app, personal statistics, or payments. The admin panel takes care of such questions raised by users. The admin panel has functionality for viewing all the user-related questions and send answers back to the users.

    Also Read: How To Develop A Social Media Application? – Make an App

    Along with these features, the admin panel possesses entity management features for keeping control over user-generated content.


    If you are looking for a social media app then you have to know the three-tier architecture of social media apps which are the mobile client, database, and backend. By understanding these, you will be able to build your own social media mobile app.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.