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    15+ Top Vue UI Component Libraries and Frameworks to Use in 2024

    Updated Date: April 9, 2024
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Vue.js commonly known as Vue is a famous JavaScript library that can be used to make compelling applications easily. It has a progressive JavaScript framework and one of the reasons for its popularity is the large use of Vue UI component libraries.

    Any Vue UI component library can help you ease in building an application. In this blog, you will gain information on the Top 15 Vue Component Libraries and Frameworks to use in 2022. Below mentioned Vue UI component libraries and frameworks are handy when you already have a Vue application in working. Do read the article till the end for finalizing the right fit Vue UI Component for you!

    Best Vue UI Component Libraries & Frameworks For 2022

    Vue UI Component Libraries

    1. Equal

    Equal is a Vue 3 component Library open-source with about 30 plus components. It is based on a tailored design unit and TypeScript. Some components included in Equal are the button, icon, input, divider, slider, switch, toddler, alert, drawer, loading, message, breadcrumbs, dropdown, etc.

    Moreover, Equal is a lightweight and high-capacity component for using interesting components and easy reports. With Equal, you also get the benefit of innovative animations, amazing performance, and exciting typography.

    2. Buefy

    Buefy is another user interface Bulma and Vue component library- the popular frameworks. The two core principles of Buefy are:

    • Being “light in weight”
    • Keep things simple

    Buefy is supposed to be a javascript layer for the Bulma interface, as it does not need to be a one-page application. Moreover, Buefy is an easily customizable application and offers a ready-made component list for beginner applications. However, you may find using Buefy inappropriate for your large-scale projects.

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    3. VUX: One of the best Vue UI Component Libraries

    VUX is a library for Vue-based mobile applications development. Moreover, VUX is specially designed for handling WeChat. This VUX library also helps Vue loader, Vux workflow, and WebPack. As it has China-origin, VUX is mostly documented in Chinese rather than English. With an easy to use interface, VUX is gaining popularity with 1000 plus weekly downloads on npm and 16,000 plus stars on GitHub. You can connect with a live community Chinese hub and can build mobile apps with Vue.

    4. Element Plus

    Element Plus is a VUE-based library component for designers, developers & product managers. It offers an interesting design language, several customizable features, and well-organized documentation.

    Moreover, Element Plus offers a subtle add-on that a developer may need for creating a UI interface. It has 9900 plus stars on Github and is a popular Vue component library. You get to enjoy rapid updates, simple problem management, and pluggable elements through SCSS components.

    5. Bootstrap Vue

    Bootstrap Vue is detailed as “Vue component library and front end CSS”. Made mobile-first, responsive projects on the internet using Vue.js and the most famous front-end component library- Bootstrap V4. Key features of Bootstrap Vue includes:

    • Modular
    • Accessible
    • Responsive

    The GitHub rating of Bootstrap Vue is 10,100 stars and 1,36,000 forks. If you wish to use Bootstrap CSS and not JS features, using Bootstrap 4 is a better and more straightforward option. Furthermore, learning how Bootstrap Vue works is easy and quick.

    6. Vuikit

    Vuikit is one of the certified Vue UI component libraries, based on the UIkit. In simpler words, Vuikit satisfies the needs of a responsive and consistent library for developing website interfaces. Key features of the Vuikit library includes:

    • Free and Open source: the code will always be available and you get an open source to the library.
    • Straight forward framework: the front-end framework allows you to develop powerful and fast web interfaces.
    • Extendible: Vuikit has endless possibilities without any limitations.

    Most Interesting Vue UI Component Libraries

    Vue UI Component frameworks

    7. Ionic Vue: Top Vue UI Component Library

    Ionic Vue is an open, free library source for developing apps that work on Android, iOS, Electron, and the internet. The Ionic Vue library also provides a command-line tool for making new apps for different platforms. With Ionic Vue, you can make one-way apps and web interfaces.

    The JS base and HTML extension is the most chosen front-end tool by developers. Moreover, it has been taken over by huge companies like Behance, Adobe, Xiaomi, Gitlab, and Alibaba. What makes Ionic Vue unique from other Vue UI component libraries?

    • Tiny in size, the lightweight framework is about 18KB. Library download installation is quick and easy
    • Integration flexibility and capabilities.
    • Vuikit has a solid tooling ecosystem
    • Easy to learn and use. Great help for coding editors such as Sublime Text, Visual Atom, and Atom Vue.

    8. Vuetify

    Vuetify is another beautiful Vue UI library with handmade material elements. It allows you to fix bugs easily and make enhancements more frequently. Vuetify has an active updating cycle and is patched once a week.

    Moreover, it responds to the community problems and responds quickly. Nearly 135 companies are using Vuetify in their technical stacks including Barago, IADAC, and StreamElements.

    In addition to this, Vuetify offers both premium and free default themes to get started with quickly.

    9. Keen UI

    Keen UI is a front-end Vue.js with an easy API. Its design is similar to Google’s material design. Keep UI does not have a CSS framework. So, it does not include typography or grid systems, etc. Rather it emphasizes interactive features that involve Javascript.

    Furthermore, Keen UI has 30+ reusable components and can easily be integrated using CDN. Keen UI has 4000 GitHub stars. This Vue UI component library component is advisable while adding repetitive options to an already made application.

    10. Quasar

    Quasar allows designers and developers to utilize a single source code-base for many platforms. Moreover, Quasar has 19,000 stars on GitHub. Quasar is a detailed UI component framework that provides caching and minification.

    With Quasar, you can focus on the application’s content, rather than the model, system, or layout. It works by following Material 2.0 conditions and shares a supportive community. The most-liked benefit of Quasar is that it is budget-friendly, needs less coding, minimal involvement of 3rd party tools, and is easier to do app development.

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    11. Chakra UI

    Chakra UI is another most preferred Vue UI component in 2022. It is made up of general building blocks that will assist you in developing a straightforward web-based application. Chakra UI is reusable and customizable and greatly supports ReactJs and some similar libraries.

    Furthermore, Chakra UI is a quicker, layout-friendly library that offers designers UI features similar to those that the Material UI offers. However, Chakra UI offers ease of modification, you can make composable, scalable, and flexible codes.

    Significant Vue.js UI Component Libraries

    top vue component libraries

    12. Vuesax

    Vuesax- a Vue UI component-based framework is made from scratch to be phased adoptable. The Vuesax is one of the Vue UI component libraries that focuses on advancing the app developments, updating the designs, layouts without deleting the needful functions.

    Furthermore, Vuesax shares responsive support to every size, along with this, you can easily use the grid features to make visual developments as per the screen size of your desktop, tablet, or phone.

    13. Ant Design Vue

    If you are a developer wishing to make something attractive along with a rich-quality user interface, then you must go for the Ant Design Vue component library. This Vue component provides several UI elements to enhance your applications such as a drawer, skeleton, statistics, and much more. It can easily support the latest web browsers, electron, server-side rendering, etc. The Ant Design Vue is famous for its quick and clear combinations

    14. Fish UI

    Fish UI has no special component that differs it from other Vue components but, its simple design is what makes it the best. Their documentation is simple and easy to implement in any project of yours. Moreover, the syntax is fairly intuitive and it comes along with the responsive tags- a feature that not many libraries are built with.

    15. Prime VUE

    Prime VUE is a detailed UI library having a set of more than 80 components, a layout designer, different theme options like Bootstrap, Material templates, and expert support. The Prime VUE is backed by volunteers and sponsors from the Vue community only. It also has features like graph-based business charts and paginators.

    All components are free to use and open-source under the MIT certification. The source code is easily available on GitHub. Furthermore, Prime Vue offers access to detailed visual editors that assists designers to customize their own. With Prime VUE, you get the benefit of combining the Vue 3 strength with a properly-designed library.

    Conclusion: Top Vue UI Component Libraries

    Well, with so many UI libraries alternatives, you get ready-made UI components such as inputs, dialogs, buttons, and much more. Based on the needs of your project topic, you can go with any of the above-mentioned Vue UI component libraries.

    Do try out the latest Vue UI component frameworks such as Fish UI, Quasar, Bootstrap Vue, and Prime Vue for your upcoming Vue project. So, we hope you find the article helpful. And if you still are unsure about the best-fit Vue UI component, we suggest you reach out to an experienced Vue JavaScript designer.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.