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    Oracle Database Advantages, Disadvantages and Features [Guide 2024]

    Updated Date: January 24, 2024
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    You are here to know everything about Oracle Database. Well, it is good for the users to know it everything before going to install it in your business.

    Now, let’s know about the oracle database properly before going to make its use. Therefore, the oracle database is a collection of the data which is treated as a unit.

    The main or you can say the primary purpose of the oracle database is to store and then retrieve the entire related information.

    Also, in Subway Surfer, the database server is for solving the entire problem of information management. In a single information management server, there is a large amount of data present in multi-user for all the separate users, so they easily access the data accordingly.

    Oracle database performs all its tasks and activities by providing high performance. Not only is this, a database server gives the proper solutions for the failure recovery and also prevent all unauthorized access. Here are some cool and fun websites that cure boredom.

    Major Advantages of Oracle Database

    advantages of oracle database Now, here you are going to meet with the main advantages of using an oracle database. Before going to make use of the oracle database in your business, then you simply have to first go through some classic reviews. These reviews provide you with the entire information about the proper usage of the oracle database and also tell you all the benefits of which users get when using the oracle database. So, some major advantages which you get by using the oracle database are mentioned below: –

    1. Portability

    Well, the oracle database is ported to all different platforms than all other its competition. It easily runs on almost 20 networking protocols and also on more than 100 hardware platforms. The same thing makes it easy for writing an oracle application easily by make changes safely in the operating system and hardware.

    2. Backup and Recovery

    It is good to be used as to take a proper backup of your entire oracle online backup as well as recovery too. With the help of using oracle database, one can easily become able to make a point-in-time recovery. For the same, you have to require storage space and also archive mechanisms.

    3. High performance

    It means that making a good oracle database provides you with quite good speed and also with large databases. Also, oracle database improves the performance and speed of consideration with transaction control and locking.

    4. Multiple Database Support

    The best advantage which users get when they make use of the oracle database is that it easily manages the multiple databases within the same transaction. The same thing is best applicable, or you can say implemented in V7.

    So, all these are the best benefits which all the users of oracle database get when they make its use. To gather more information about the same process and to know how to make appropriate use of the oracle database, one should check out more and more reviews. The more reviews you go through when going to make use of the oracle database, the easier it becomes for you to get good results by using the same database.

    5. Market Presence

    By far, Oracle is the largest RDBMS Vendor and spends more on Research and Development than the rest of its competitors. As far as the RDBMS market share is concerned, Oracle has the maximum share in VMS, UNIX, and OS/2 server fields. This clearly indicates that there are very fewer chances for you to be left in the lurch by Oracle as there are tons of third-party interfaces supported. Further, you can get more assistance as the proficient staff is quite easy to get.

    6. Versions Changes

    Oracle keeps you informed about the next major release for any potential changes so you can get prepared. It offers you good backward compatibility by which you will no longer be required to re-write an application while upgrading the DBMS. Many have worked with Oracle since V4 Beta and have never faced any unpleasant experiences in terms of syntax.

    7. Complexity

    One of the biggest disadvantages of Oracle Database is its complexity. It is not preferable to use Oracle, especially when the users are not technically sound and lack the technical ability that is needed in order to work with the Oracle Database. Further, it is also not advisable to use Oracle if the company or an individual is seeking a database that is easy to use and contains basic features. It is not as simple as installing Oracle and get started, rather it requires specialized skills to install and maintain as it is an incredibly complex engine.

    8. Cost of Oracle Database

    The price of Oracle products can increase up to ten times compared to the MS SQL Server Database Solution for a mid-range solution. Hence, people are tended to go with other options that are comparatively cheaper, say, for example, you can install MySQL for free or utilize any one of several engines in a solution like AWS by investing a very nominal amount. Further, there is no specific price to obtain an Oracle license as it usually changes over time depending upon a lot of factors like changes in the company’s policies, patches, and updates.

    9. Difficult to Manage

    Oracle is generally a lot more complex and difficult in terms of the management of certain activities. Hence, the pro tip here is to install a basic version and then perform configuration with minimal customization. Oracle Database is only useful when you need large size databases. The use of Oracle in small or medium-sized companies is not preferable where small databases are needed. In such a scenario, the best option would be MySQL, which is more cost-effective.

    Features of Oracle Database

    The following features are offered by Oracle Database to meet the prerequisites of powerful database management:

    1. Availability

    High data availability is a pre-requisite of real-time applications. The configuration of high performing computing environments is performed for providing all-time data availability. Availability of data is seen during planned or unplanned failures and downtimes.

    2. Performance and Scalability

    The scalability of the Oracle database is enhanced with the features like Portability and Real Application Clustering. It is needed to control data consistency and concurrency in a multiuser database which is contemplated by Oracle.

    3. Security

    Security should always be the topmost concern. There are exclusive mechanisms provided by Oracle to monitor and control data access and usage. You can easily prevent unauthorized access and allow distinct access to the users by implementing authorization and editing user actions.

    4. Backup and Recovery

    Its layout is made in such a way that it is completely recoverable from all kinds of failures. If some failure occurs, the recovery of the database needs to be done within no time for high availability. Affected parts of the data are getting recovered, while the unaffected parts of the data are still available.

    More Things to Know About Oracle Database

    oracle Here you are going to meet with the best and most important things that relate to the oracle database. So, you have to understand all the things which are mentioned below and then use things when going to make use of the oracle database –

    Database Design

    It is the main thing which you simply have to know when going to deal with oracle database. You have to know appropriately how to make use of database design. Also, you have to know the concept of DBA normalization. Before going to make use of the oracle database, one should do good practice. The main use of database design is to enhance the overall speed of database access.

    Tuning And Monitoring

    Well, there are numerous diverse issues present by which they simply affect the performance of the same database. If you are a new user of the oracle database, so you have to know all the issues that are present and then also find solutions to get rid of all those problems.

    Installing and Configuring

    You have to know the procedure of the installation process of oracle database in all different platforms such as Window Server, Unix, Linux, and on all other platforms. It is because all the platforms have their own requirements. So, you have to consider the entire things and then appropriately install them. Also, you have to know all the opportunities and then make a proper deal with it.

    Knowledge About Series Packages

    The main thing about oracle database is that you have to get knowledge about the series packages. It is because all these packages are providing you with oracle database core functionality. Also, if you don’t know these series packages ten, you don’t become able to make use of SQL/PL series features.

    So, if you are a new user to the oracle database, then you should properly learn and know the entire series package. After then knowing the utility and functionality you have to make appropriate use of the oracle database.

    Finally, all the things mentioned above are necessary for you to understand decently as to make appropriate use of the oracle database and also to get positive results by using the oracle database.

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    Oracle Big Data: Improved Database Services for Big Data

    Oracle Big Data is an improved database service from the globally acknowledged brand for maintaining huge data. With Oracle’s big data, data professionals can easily manage, catalog, and process raw data. Also, they can utilize offered object storage and Hadoop-based data lakes for data persistence even after the program gets terminated. Whereas, Spark resolves the issues of seamless data processing and Oracle Cloud SQL handles data analysis along with other analytics tools selected by the customers for their analysis ease.

    How Can an Organization or Industry Benefit From a Data Lake?

    Before delving into the benefits of a data lake for an organization or industry, it’s vital to know about first, What is Data Lake?

    A data lake can be referred to as a store where an organization can place its structured and unstructured data, or it can be understood as a method responsible for handling large amounts of highly diverse data from different data sources.

    Nowadays, a data lake is becoming popular since data professionals in an organization or industry want to perform exploration and discovery on big data in a single place.

    In this digital era, when there is data galore for almost everything, a data lake is a one-stop solution for all your structured, unstructured or multi-structured data to bring value out of your data.

    Now delve a little deeper and get to know more about the benefits of a data lake.

    A Complete Package

    A data lake is a one-stop solution for all your needs including data management, data integration, and data science. Its deployment not only simplifies data analysis for the data professionals working in an organization but also for the customers to ingest data through several ways like via batch, streaming, or real-time processes to store it either in data warehouses or data lakes based on the choices.

    Gathered data in the data warehouses or data lakes, later being catalogued and applied required tactics to perform analyses, visualizations, and machine learning models. The data breach is not an issue with Oracle big data, there are consistent security policies across data warehouses and data lakes.

    Maintenance and Functional Ease

    As Oracle big data utilizes Apache Spark Cluster that is fully automated, serverless, and easy to access via APIs, it results in increased developers’ productivity. Being automatically provisioned, these Spark clusters are highly secured and shut down on their own to reduce developers’ workloads. The customers get the aid of deploying fully managed Hadoop clusters of any shape and size. Later on, they can add security and high availability with a single click.

    Deployment Leniency in Oracle Cloud Data Centres or Customer Data Centres

    One of the biggest benefits of Oracle’s big data Analytics services is that they can be deployed as per the customers’ data residency and latency requirements. Customers can utilize big data services along with other Oracle cloud infrastructure services in Oracle public cloud or can deploy it in customer data centers as a part of an Oracle Dedicated Region Cloud@Customer environment.

    This is what Oracle big data and its benefits for an organization, industry, working professionals, and customers.

    If as a business owner, you are willing to introduce big data Analytics services like Oracle but tight in budget. You can review companies that offer custom big data services considering your requirements. The NineHertz is one such popular IT company that offers data services for its clientele. Do connect with us and consult your requirements to get the right fit for your business.

    Conclusion: Oracle Database Advantages, Disadvantages

    Moreover, there are many other things also present that play a good role in the entire concept. One should also know all these things to make full use of the Oracle database in their business. Some of the main things are like they have to know wizards and command line; they require proper command on SQL and PL/SQL and many more as well. With RemoteDBA.com, you can get the best possible database services.

    In a nutshell, as mentioned above that to gather everything about the oracle database, one should take assistance from the reviews, so you have to read more and more regarding the same concept. It is the best way to understand the oracle database in a good and simple way. Our Latest Published Blogs:

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    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.