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    How to Create Personal Finance App Like Mint? [Cost + Features]

    Updated Date: November 20, 2023
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    In this 21st century or we can say the tech-oriented era, what could be the most expeditious way to influence your target audience – A broad and quick reply is – Mobile App. Having a mobile app for your brand helps you to survive in this vast tech world no matter whatever the field of work is.

    Even, in maintaining personal finances, now everyone wants personal finance apps so that they can control their unproductive budgeting and spontaneous spending effectively.

    For this, personal finance apps like Mint have arrived in the market!

    Because financial tracking apps give important value to users and are high in demand in the market, revealing a money management app is a worthy investment for your business. So, if you want to develop an on-demand money management app like Mint, here we gathered useful knowledge that will help you in personal finance app development. You might be interested to read about the best investment apps for beginners.

    What is Mint Personal Finance App?

    app like mint

    Mint is a well-known mobile application for maintaining personal finances. It has more than 14 million users. In starting, it was just an investment tracker that has several sections, and now it has transformed into this AI-enabled financial counseling platform traversing beyond the web & mobile platforms.

    There are also so many financial tracking apps like Mint that are present in the market like Wally, Acorns, YNAB, and more, but Mint is the most suitable example if you want to know how to build a budget app and evolve into a profitable takeover target.

    Insights of Mint – A Financial Tracking App

    • Founded In: 2006
    • Founder: Aaron Patzer
    • Area served: United States, Canada
    • Products: Web application, Mobile application
    • Headquarters: Mountain View, California, United States
    • Website: mint.intuit.com

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    Financial Tracking App Development Market Trends

    personal finance app market

    • Total business estimation in the personal finance division is predicted to arrive at a little over $700,000 million in 2020.
    • Finance apps gained around 24 billion downloads last year, 2020.
    • $343 million is the forecasted area of the personal banking software business in the US by 2026.
    • A study led by Business Insider says that about 53% of users utilize mobile banking applications.
    • The personal finance transaction revenue might have passed $700,000 million.

    How Can You Make Money with Money Management App Development?

    how mint app makes money

    If you want money management app development like Mint, you should have an idea about how this app makes money. Here, we mention the way by which the Mint app earns money. If you don’t want to pick the same one, we also mention a sort of monetization strategy that you can choose for your financial tracking app.

    Although Mint is free to use, it uses a smart monetization strategy by which it earns money.

    In the “Offers” section, you can see the personalized best deals. Mint examines the user’s financial activity and suggests some financial tools by which you can manage your things more easily.

    Whenever you choose one of those, Mint receives the financial benefits. So, the app mainly offers work as a kind of ads that assist users to increase their economics at the same time.

    Helpful Information!

    “Lately, Mint also added the subscription model. By paying to Mint Live Services, a customer receives a way to get an approved financial executive, certified public analyst, or accredited enrolled advocate. This service is available at $24.99 for US users only. You can also include this kind of service to boost your business revenue.”

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    More Ways to Make Money with Money Management App Development

    • In-app advertisements: This is one of the most suitable methods to earn money and monetize a free app. The app proprietors can select to sell advertisement space on the platform by charging a particular fee.
    • Paid Apps: If you don’t want to make your app free to use, apply this model. The user will have to buy your app just once for being able to access all the features of your budget app like Mint.
    • Premium Fee: For unlocking some premium app services, the user has to pay a specific amount to access them.
    • Referrals: In this model, the app proprietors can decide to charge the referral charges by which they can earn profits through the downloads.

    What are The Types of Personal Finance Apps?

    There are many types present by which you can make your Mint clone app, but all these programs can be divided into 2 basic types. So, before starting to develop your financial tracking app, first, evaluate what type of mobile application development you want.

    1. Simple Finance Apps

    This is the traditional way by which the user records all the spending data on his own, directly by hand (manually). These types of applications enable managing indications of expenses and classify them, prepare large investments and some other work related to this. The process of this type of personal finance app development is simple to execute and cost-friendly.

    2. Complex Finance Apps

    It is the most advanced version of developing financial tracking apps. In this type, the user’s bank accounts and banking card are connected to the services/application which collects data about each transaction automatically without any manual entry. This is the most used category as this provides high security and easy accessibility of financing apps.

    Which Technology Used For A Personal Finance App Development?

    S.No Measures of Technology Technology Required
    1 Developer Stack PHP, HTML 5, Angular JS, Node.js, NGINX, Bootstrap, Google Maps, Play Framework, Amazon Cloudfront, Github, Adobe Flash, Ruby on Rails, Apache Commons, CoffeeScript, EmberJS, PostgreSQL, RawGit, ReactiveX, SQLite, Stylus, TypeScript, jQuery
    2 Admin panel React, Angular, jQuery
    3 Backend/API Ruby, .NET, Postgre DB
    4 Product & Design Stack Font Awesome, Trello, clipboard.js
    5 DevOps & IT Stack Jira, Facebook Comments, Gravatar, Bugcrowd, Crashlytics, Jenkins, Phusion Passenger, ExpressionEngine, Cloudflare, Comodo SSL, Fabric, Heroku, Rollbar, Wistia, Zencoder
    6 Finance & Accounting Stack Recurly, Square
    7 iOS mobile app Swift, Objective-C
    8 Marketing Stack Mandrill, Segment, Google AdMob, Mailchimp, Google Sign-In, Google Tag Manager
    9 Customer Support & Success Stack Forumbee, Intercom, Help Scout
    10 Productivity & Operations Stack Google Drive, G Suite, Google Hangouts, Slack
    11 Analytics & Data Science Stack Amplitude, Google Analytics, VWO
    12 Other Required Stack TripActions, 1Password, Mixpanel, ClickTale

    How to Develop Personal Finance App Like Mint?

    personal finance app development

    To make a successful and appealing mobile app for presenting personal financing maintenance to your users, you have to follow the right set of steps by which you can achieve the whole profit without any mistake. So here to help you out in this, we mention easy-to-implement steps for how to make an app like Mint. This will help you in creating the best and attractive app for your business.

    Financial Tracking App Development Design & Prototype

    Planning and making your app’s design attractive and robust is the most important thing when you create a personal finance app. Creating an attractive UI & UX design means improving the design with micro animations and giving complete graph-based statements that the audience can customize over time, category, etc.

    Prototyping, on the contrary, is the most cost-efficient move in the entire app development process. Performing prototyping helps in building a killer product and optimize cost and how much does it take to develop an app.

    Build an MVP for Money Management App Development

    Here the developing (coding) part starts. In this step, the developer adds features in-app. Back-end engineers are creating the server element for syncing user data and implementing web access to the app. It is suggested to consider Node.js for development and React Native, as the two are famous and effective in making apps for both platforms. You may be interested to know how to hire React Native app developer in your budget.

    Integrate Advanced Security in Mint Clone App Development

    Technically, it is a part of the development process. but when it comes to personal finance app development, I think that ensuring good security measures is a very crucial point of the developing process. There are some guidelines that developers must follow for security. Some of them are:

    • Hiding data to guard against spying eyes
    • Execute bank-grade data encryption
    • Add two-factor authentication and bio authentication
    • Cut off idle sessions
    • Apply protected connections and rules like HTTPS and SSL

    Test Properly After Financial Tracking App Development

    Testing your app before launching it is very important to give a hassle-free experience to the users. Although testing is not the interesting part when you are creating a personal finance app, it’s our QA work that occurs in an impeccable mobile experience for our customers. So always test your application to make your app bug and error-free.

    Launch Your Money Management App

    Now, your app is ready for launch. Make your app available on the app stores of the targeted platforms so that users can access your app and take the advantage of the same. After launching, keeping your app updated is very important to stay up in the market. This is how your Mint clone app will get success.

    Also Read: How to Make a Video Editing App Like Magisto?

    Essential Features for Mint Clone App Development

    personal finance app features

    Now, it’s time to know some exciting cum essential features that you must add to a budget app like Mint. These features will make your app worth using and comfortable to use. So let’s go through with this.

    • User permission and account login/logout facility
    • Profile section with complete user specifications
    • Manage Finances: Mutual Funds, Real estate investments, Stocks, etc.
    • Connecting to bank accounts and account cards like credit card
    • Guarded Passcode (Pin, OTP via Mail, Fingerprint Sensor, & SMS Authentication)
    • Inspect economic statistics and analytical statements for a particular time period
    • Trace activities and view past records
    • A double-entry book-keeping accounting method
    • Search & Filter rates by category, description, pay method, status, tag, etc.
    • Backup/Restore & Synchronization: Auto substitute on Google Drive, Dropbox, and Cloud, Automatic sync between various devices
    • Control Spending sections & subcategories like “food”, “travel”, “clothing” etc.
    • Attachment to PC and manage all features via desktop app

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    Advance Features of Personal Finance App Development


    For the financial budgeting app, gamification is an amazing method of keeping its users involved. From the user’s perspective, a gamified money app is an efficient and enjoyable feature that encourages them to accomplish their saving objectives adequately. The gamification of consumer maintenance led to enhanced user urge, lifted morale, and engagement.

    AI-Driven Financial Coaching

    A budget app like Mint must use AI technology to regulate user’s expenses completely with stretching goals. It has the capability to fastly analyze the data and convert them into meaningful insights. It can estimate how much a user can store securely and the app settles away this sum automatically. So it is the latest trend that you must add to your app to make it different from others.


    Personalization has been trending for the past few years and suspected to continue in 2021 as well. It gives the user experience according to their needs that makes things comfortable and appealing to the customers. You can also make your app customizable by adding some advanced features like chatbots, push notifications, etc. You can check here the top 13 Push Notification Tools to boost mobile app engagement. You can also add beautiful infographics.

    Personal Finance App Development Cost

    personal finance app development cost

    This is the most obvious and the most important question that arises when you decide to build a money management app like Mint. However, the personal finance app development cost varies on many things of an app. But the estimated personal finance app development cost is about $30k to $35k for both Android and iOS + Web Admin. But if you want to add some advanced features or complexity to your app, the cost of the development process may be increased to $50k to $70k.

    How Much Does it Cost to Develop Personal Finance App?

    Some number of factors on which the Mint clone app development cost depends are:

    • App Features (Basic and Advanced)
    • Certifications & Agreements
    • The timespan of the development process
    • Area of the development company
    • Development Platform (iOS, Android, or Hybrid)
    • App Design (UI/UX)
    • Maintenance & Guide
    • Tools & Technologies used
    • App Complexity
    • Third-Party Alliances
    • Scope of the app development team

    hire mint clone app developers

    Alternatives of Money Management App Like Mint

    Personal Capital: Personal Finance App

    personal capital app

    Personal Capital is the most famous and most used alternative of Mint. It is the best free financial app present in the market. It provides:

    • Amazing regression calculator
    • Automatically trace cash flow and expenses
    • Gives a full snapshot of the most valuable financial stats
    • Professional finance fee analyzer
    • Pricing: Free

    YNAB: Budget App

    YNAB app

    The full form of YNAB is You Need A Budget brings lots of changes, especially in the automation section. It is best in providing:

    • Concentrate on aim setting and monthly investment planning
    • Restores using a zero-based budget
    • 100% money-back assure
    • 34-day free trial
    • Pricing: $11.99/month or $7/month when charged annually

    PocketSmith: Smart Budgeting & Personal Finance App

    PocketSmith pricing

    It is one of the favorite alternatives of financial tracking apps like Mint. It has many advanced features that make the user experience worth using. It offers:

    • Track bills and payments on the calendar
    • “What If” synopsis checker
    • Free version accessible
    • Professional budgeting app
    • Pricing: Basic – Free; Premium – $9.95/month; Super – $19.95/month

    Wrapping Up: Personal Finance App Development

    It’s time to wrap up this discussion. I hope you will get all the required knowledge about how to make an app like Mint. If you have a layout or approach that you believe could benefit the users to get more facilities at investment tracking, budgeting, financing, and economic management then you must begin your own personal finance app development. This will lead your business to bring success and help your users to manage things easily.


    1. How Do I Make a Good Personal Finance App?

    To make a good personal finance app, you need to focus on the user experience and provide features that users find useful and engaging. Some key features could include budget tracking, expense management, investment tracking, credit score monitoring, and goal setting. It’s also important to prioritize data security and privacy.

    2. How Much Does it Cost to Build a Finance App?

    The cost of building a finance app can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the app, features, and the development team you hire. It can range from a few thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    3. How Do Personal Finance Apps Make Money?

    Personal finance apps make money in a variety of ways, including through subscription fees, advertising, referral fees, and commission-based income. Some apps also offer premium features or in-app purchases for users to upgrade their experience.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.