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    Reasons Why Tech Companies and Startups Hire Developers from India

    Updated Date: November 7, 2022
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Every tech company or startup wants to hire a skillful and experienced developer in order to be the best in the industry. But the task of choosing the best developer is not as easy as it sounds because it requires deep research and analysis. You should be very specific in terms of what you want and within what deadline, before taking a step further.

    For any Tech company, an efficient team of developers is the core foundation. That’s why it is rightly said that software developers form the backbone of any IT company. Now the question comes from where we can hire efficient developers such as web developers, application developers, react native developers, flutter developers, python developers, etc. Also, another factor to be considered is the affordability as hiring a team to develop web and mobile applications is a very costly affair.

    India – As an Emerging Nation Providing Customized IT Services at Affordable Prices

    IT services

    If I have to answer this question in one word then my answer would be ‘India’. Yes, that’s right, India is emerging as one of the superior countries of the world which is expanding IT services globally and at affordable rates. Developers from India have been the first choice for online reputation businesses.

    In India, IT is the most promising sector and that’s the reason every 4th person in India is directly or indirectly part of the Information Technology industry. India has a vast pool of promising talent and that makes it the first choice among Tech companies and startups around the world to outsource qualified developers for their projects.

    Outsourcing vs. Outstaffing of Developers


    Before deep-diving into the reasons and factors why India is the top destination for hiring developers, we need to understand the difference between outsourcing and outstaffing. You need to understand that vendors can use majorly two models. First is an IT outsourcing model and second is an IT outstaffing model.

    By outsourcing, it means to hire a third person to deliver goods and services on your behalf. In IT outsourcing the companies hire a third party for their IT needs especially for custom software development. On the other hand, IT outstaffing is all about augmenting the skills and expertise of the staff. Here you can hire software developers from Indian IT Companies like The Ninehertz for a specific project.

    The Ninehertz is one of the top Tech Companies of India engaged in developing customized Mobile and Web Applications. The company has a big customer base where they serve customers from all the major countries including the USA, UK, Singapore, Dubai, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and many more.

    When one project is completed it is delivered to the client, and the developer moves on to the next project. When we talk about the outsourcing model, the vendor and the software development team works very closely and the vendor takes care of the entire product development. Whereas, in outstaffing, every developer is exclusively hired or their project is managed by the customer/client directly.

    Fun Fact: According to a recent survey, around 80% of the US and European outsourcing organizations ranked India as their number one outsourcing destination. The National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM) also published in its report that almost half of the fortune 500 companies choose to outsource software development to Indian outsourcing firms.

    The illustration is given below clearly isolates the heads under each and based on that which option is more cost-efficient can be decided.

    Reasons or Benefits to Hire Developers from India

    hire indian developer

    A Huge Pool of Skilled Professionals

    In spite of having a good amount of IT jobs available in the market, there is a serious shortage of deserving candidates. Especially western countries are getting most affected by this. Also, the second most important relatable element is affordability. In case you manage to find the right software engineer or programmer, you won’t be able to afford him in most of the cases. This is the reason companies now are reconsidering Offshoring outsourcing to improve their business performance. Companies are outsourcing Indian Developers to fulfill their custom software development needs and want to focus on organic growth. Indian market is blessed with talented IT Engineers who are well versed in their respective domains and are also affordable. This makes them the most favorite in the entire international IT market.

    Language is not a Barrier with Indian Developers

    Companies and startups are looking to pick that offshore software development company that is based on the fundamental of language compatibility. Indians by birth are very keen on learning the English language and it is a part of every school’s course curriculum. The argument is backed by the fact that India is the second-largest English-speaking nation after The United States of America. Hence by hiring developers from India is the guarantee of not only skills but also the command of the English Language. So it is a win-win situation for the company or startup which is hiring or outsourcing developers from India.

    Affordability or Cost-effectiveness

    Check these 7 tips to hire a dedicated developer for outsourcing. This is such an advantage that you just can’t ignore which comes along if you hire Indian Developers. 20 to 30 percent of the amount spent by organizations can be decreased by offshoring their projects as well as hiring Indian software engineers, programmers, and coders. This is because the cost of living in India is much less than the cost of living in the USA and other European countries. Say, for example, In India, a city called Bangalore is considered the hub of the IT talent pool and is considered one of the most expensive cities to live in. Having said that, even Bangalore is 150% cheaper than the overall cost of living in New York. This leads to conclude that basic needs like food, clothing, and Shelter are way too expensive in the west compared to even the most expensive city in India. As far as the disposable income of an Indian employee is concerned, it is way higher compared to many western countries. Hence we can say that when it comes to offshore custom software development, the Indian developers take the cake undoubtedly. Therefore, hiring Indian developers give you a guarantee of talent and cost-effectiveness.

    Also Read: Hire Angularjs Developers for Customer-Centric Business

    A Disciplined and Systematic Work Ethic


    Every year more than 1.5 million engineers are produced in India, so there is a huge amount of talent that is ready to offer you their services and fulfill your custom software development needs. Indian engineers are famous for having a strong technical background all thanks to the rock-solid Indian Education system that is responsible for formulating the core foundation of any student. They also have an approach to work with passion, dedication, and sincerity. It’s not just about hard work but also smart work that plays a key role in completing projects efficiently and within the deadline. This go-get-it attitude helps them to bring innovation in their creation and give something extra in the software development lifecycle. Hence the companies can extract the maximum amount of profit when such an attitude is found as a trait in almost every Indian developer.

    Time-zone Advantage with Indian Developers

    There is a time difference between India and other countries and that’s the reason companies in India can work round the clock. Hence it becomes possible to deliver their work well on time as they can work round the clock. Businesses want their projects to be delivered on time because then the company has enough time for marketing and promotions. Effective and timely marketing leads to generating higher profits. Let’s have a look at the time difference:

    • India is 9 hours 30 minutes ahead of the USA
    • India is behind Australia by 4.5 hours
    • Compared to Europe, India is 3.5 hours
    • India and the UK are separated by 4 hours and 40 minutes with India ahead of the UK

    While dealing with Europe and the UK, the difference is much less which means easier management of the difference. If you are working with a US-based company, it becomes simple for Indian companies to communicate via audio calls, video calls, and chats during the ample flap period in the case of both the countries. Also in the case of large scale companies, it might be a good option to hire a custom software development company along with having an in-house development team so that the outsourced software development company can work for the project in case the in-house developers are not able to deliver the project on time.

    Quite Flexible

    The complete procedure or cycle to hire Indian developers is very flexible and that’s the reason companies should hire Indian developers and get benefitted. Companies can hire Indian developers and programmers according to their budget or a fair market price which makes the overall hiring cycle quite flexible and scalable at the same time. Hence we can say that a client can hire a developer according to the requirements of the project and budget.

    Quality Assured

    Mere offering just affordable prices are not enough, as you got to deliver the quality consistently if you want your clients to stick to you and never leave you. Indian developers offer both – First they are quite affordable as compared to most of the American and European countries and secondly the quality of work is guaranteed as Indian IT sector is very promising and India has a huge talent of skilled IT engineers.

    Say, for example, The Ninehertz is a well-known Indian IT company working since 2008. The Ninehertz is well versed in delivering custom software solutions including Web and mobile applications to the people and companies across the globe. The company has a robust team of IT professionals working round the clock to satisfy customer needs and requirements globally. The Ninehertz has completed and delivered thousands of projects successfully to clients all around the world including all major countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, Dubai, UAE, UK, etc.

    Uninterrupted Support and Assistance

    Time zone difference is not a barrier for Indian Developers as Indian developers are well-versed in delivering round the clock support and assistance. This shows that Indian developers have learnt the art to adjust well according to time zone requirements. The developers will work for you day and night to provide you with the best solution and they are also getting paid better than the Indian standards.

    Eliminating Hidden Charges

    When you hire a team for your project, you can rest assured that you will not be asked to pay any hidden charges as they are none. Especially with The Ninehertz, you will only have to pay the pre-decided amount and not even a single penny more. Also, almost all Indian IT companies believe in working transparently with no hidden charges.

    Also Read: How to Hire Dedicated Drupal Developers? – [8 Steps to Follow]


    Indian IT companies like The Ninehertz, offer a variety of services to their clients. In the Indian market, you will find developers specialized in various fields like:

    • Website Development
    • Mobile Application Development
    • Laravel Development
    • React Native Development
    • Full Stack Development
    • Blockchain consulting
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Machine Learning and many more.

    Visit our official website www.theninehertz.com and check out our services page to get to know about our offerings.

    Final Words

    In the end, it is to conclude that when it comes to outsourcing projects of IT, India has been a game-changer with more than 60 percent of revenue coming from the export of IT services. This percentage is equal to almost 7.2 percent of the country’s GDP. As per a report of KPMG, IT companies and start-ups prefer India to outsource their work than any other country. There are two primary reasons for this and they are quality and affordability. The country’s manpower is enriched with skilled IT professionals with low labor costs. That’s the reason, big giants like Oracle, HP, Dell, ATT Wireless, etc. have outsourced their several business projects with Indian outsourcing organizations.

    Hence India is the best place for outsourcing if you want to save your time, money, and ensure world-class quality at the same time. Outsourcing has helped various companies in achieving success as they get quality products and services. Outsourcing also helps in opening up the new learning environment to upscale the business every single day. In short, it is a win-win situation for both company and the developer. The Ninehertz also provides customized web and mobile application solutions to countries around the world. Feel free to contact us and avail of our services to get the best results possible.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.