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    Why React Native App Development Suits 2022 Trends?

    Updated Date: November 4, 2022
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Mobile technology has grown on a large scale from the last few years. 90% of the website has been converted into a mobile application. But why are mobile applications so important? Mobile nowadays is considered as a basic need of the generation. The application plays a vital role in the importance of mobile phones in our lives.

    “Tired of interviewing React Native developers? Confused to hire React Native app developer? Before you hire react native mobile app development company, have some knowledge about React Native trends. Let’s find out the advantages of React Native.”

    There are millions of mobile applications available on Google and Apple app stores. How do we choose which mobile application is best for us? It depends on our use, but the major things which we see before choosing any application are the designs, performance, high-security, and all such factors.

    Mobile applications started with a single technology, i.e., Native app development which allowed developers to develop an application for different platforms. For example, if any business owner wants to create an app for his business. Then he has to hire two different developers to create Android and iOS applications. Hiring two developers increases the cost and a business owner might not find it profitable. A solution to all of these problems arrived when cross-platform was introduced to the developers and it took the mobile development technology to the whole new next level.

    React Native is one of the best cross-platform app development technology used by a wide range of developers around the globe.

    What are the Benefits of React Native App Development?

    Community Expertise

    React Native is a free and open-source platform in which every developer can share the portfolio and ideas which are available to all the community members around the globe. This community-driven technology is beneficial as it gives the developers a wide range of ideas to write the code. It is also known as the King of Social Media and is introduced by Facebook. React Native community allows developers to ask their questions and discuss freely with the experts of the community.

    Code Re-usability

    Code in React Native can be reused, i.e. developers do not have to write code for each platform. Like this, it saves time and cost which makes it more unique. The best thing about React Native is that the same code can be reused for web applications as well. Using React Native lessens up the development time and speeds up the app launch. Since React Native is an open-source library, codes can be reused and implement it according to the app requirement.

    Live Reloading and Hot Reloading

    This feature in React Native compiles and reads the file where changes are made. It allows automatic reading from the applications at the beginning.

    A hot reloading feature allows safeguarding the updated file while the app is running the application. There is a minute difference between these two features that come when saving the changes. In hot reloading, it is easy to modify the code and therefore developers don’t need app recompilation of reviewing the code.

    The outcome of the creating a mobile app is shown instantly after making the changes. It also reduces the waiting time to see the changes.

    React Native Cost-effective

    Since it is a single codebase, i.e. one code can be reused for platforms. It saves a lot of time as the business owner doesn’t need to hire android and iOS developers separately to make their application. Hire Dedicated React developer and make your application on Android and iOS at less cost.
    It is obvious hiring two developers is way more costly than hiring a single developer. Using React we can not only get multiple features but also saves our time and money.

    Supports the Plug-ins

    React Native supports the third-party plugins as it includes native modules and JavaScript modules in its package. Maximum number third party plugins can be used in your application without any hassle. Now the user has a wide range of options available to make its app or user-friendly and feature-rich.

    Offers Stability

    The React Native is known for its process of data binding. This makes the application mo more and increases the reliability of the application. It only provides updating of specific components and if needed any modification changes are made first and then the updating process takes place.

    Wide Range of UI

    Since React Native is a free and open-source cross-platform app development framework. Developers from all over the world share their designs and code in the community. It can be reused and customized by anybody. Likewise, developers enhance the designing skills and make your designs unimaginable and perfect for business. The users have several options for UI designs. In a nutshell, React Native offers responsive and creative designs and reduces the loading time.

    All About React Native!

    What is React Native?

    React Native is built by Facebook and has an MIT license,i.e., it is open source and free. It can be used to create an app for platforms such as android, iOS, and windows. It is a JavaScript-based framework.

    Do React Native take time for development?

    It works to write once and runs everywhere, which means code is written once and ruins on multiple platforms. It takes 50-65% less time than Native to develop an application.

    Is it expensive to build an app to React Native to my business?

    React Native is beneficial for you if you want to make your application both android and iOS. For application development, you don’t need to hire android and iOS developers separately. Instead, just hire React Native developers and let him make an app for both the platforms. Hiring two developers costs more than hiring one. Likewise, it saves a lot of money in hiring the developers and makes the application launch quicker.

    So React Native apps give the same performance as a native application?

    Application made to React Native provides better performance than native applications. It has some advanced features which lessen up the load time and make the app performance faster. Applications built in React Native look the same in both android and iOS.

    How React Native saves time to market the app?

    React Native shares 96% of the code between Android and iOS, which means developers don’t need to write the code for differently for both the platforms. Using code makes the app go run on both the platforms and it saves time in development. This leads to the quick launch of the application in the market.

    Also Read: Ask Me Anything About React Native, Flutter, Ionic App Development

    Which are the apps using React Native?

    There are many apps which are built in React Native:

    1. Walmart
    2. Discovery VR
    3. Bloomberg
    4. UberEats

    Can I integrate the React Native in my existing native app?

    Yes, you can integrate React Native in your current Android or iOS native application.


    It is more useful to use as React Native saves time and is cost-effective. Every business looks for such technology which profits them in both ways. It also has vast options for designs and that is used as a key point to maintain the user’s attention to the application. React Native took the mobile app development to the next level and will continue to grow more to benefit the application development in the future.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.