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    App Development Cost (2023): India, USA, UK, Germany

    Updated Date: July 5, 2023
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Would you like to create a customized app for your business? Look no further! We offer a comprehensive guide that breaks down the app development cost based on factors such as the country like India or USA, industry, and various stages of the process.

    The world is constantly moving towards mobile applications which is what makes you lookout for a unique solution to not only withstand the competence but also monetize the product the way you would like to. Good mobile app development is not only about intuitive design and mechanism, it is more than that. When it comes to mobile app development companies, two crucial factors to consider are efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

    According to Statista, global mobile app revenue is projected to reach $935.2 billion by 2023. App downloads are expected to surpass 258 billion in the same year.

    The cost of app development can vary significantly across different countries due to geographical factors. Prices may vary both on the higher and lower ends. The cost you incur in the USA to manifest your app will be different from what it could bear in India. We are going to unfurl this solution to highlight the comparison for mobile app development cost among different regions- the US, the UK, India, and Germany. Let us begin.

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    Understanding Mobile App Development Process

    app development cost
    The app development industry has to surpass buckets of changes only after which the product comes to fruition. Mobile app development cost goes through a breakdown into a number of stages along with, of course, human resources. In order to sit with cost estimation, it is necessary to understand various stages of the mobile app development process. Here complete guide on building an app from scratch.

    1. Goals and Strategy for App Development

    The first stage of a mobile app development process deals with discovering ideas, planning and strategizing them to turn into an application. This stage maps several parameters which means-

    • The type of app you want to make
    • Discovering your target audience
    • Researching on competitors
    • Enlisting Goals and requirements
    • Choosing the app development platform
    • Deciding mobile app development budget
    • Team required for the process
    • Breakdown of your budget

    Sleeping on these checkpoints and documenting the conclusion out of it is the foremost stage of app development which paves the way for other to-dos.

    2. Production

    Once you have realized your goals, target customer base, competitors, and budget, you get started with the production stage of mobile app development. This one is the most labor-intensive part of the entire process where the actual action begins. Here, developers have to carefully write code and designers have to have every single aspect thoughtfully crafted. You can try to make this part of the process cost and time-effective if you opt for cross-platform app development. On average, the production process consumes about 3-4 months.

    3. Quality Analysis

    Nothing is green-flagged without a hitch from the side Quality Analysis. This stage of a mobile app development process undergoes all the mechanics and workings of a mobile application. This helps get everything your app lacks fixed so that it preps up for a release. Only after a number of iterations, the app is shown a signal to get going with the release part.

    4. Release

    The release day is about to come. The day when you can finally witness the applause and cheer. Before the day is finally there, you can market your app by creating hype online and offline. While the advertising phase continues, the developers get time to check up on the final touches of the app and make it steer clear with any debugging left. Once it is crystally performing, you can pull the curtains.

    5. Post Launch

    Who said it is over? The real chase begins now. It is only when your customers get their hands on the app that you realize how much more potential it carries. You will discover new bugs, a scope of additional functionalities, cleanliness, and various other aspects to deal with. Then you can drive it with maintenance and fixes to make the product shinier than ever. After all, updates are the water diet for your app.

    Mobile App Development Cost: Android and iOS

    Android and iOS are two giants of a platform that one has to choose among in order to commence the app development errand. Apart from the platform segment, you have got to understand and choose between different types of mobile applications you are going to build- A native app or a Hybrid app. Not to mention, both aspects are way more important to look into than anything else as they direct the course of your budget. Here you can find top iOS app development companies.

    The hue of contrast between a native app and a hybrid app is that the former is dedicated to a specific platform. For instance, an iPhone app is written with Swift or Objective C, while an Android app is instituted by Java.

    Another major difference between a hybrid app and a native app is that the native one requires separate code for every platform but a hybrid can do it all with a single codebase across all the platforms.

    Investment of time and money also factor in the difference between native and hybrid apps. While a native will demand a hefty budget and more time, hybrid app development will allow you to do it in less time and money.

    The native app development will cost you about an average of $6,000 to $250,000. On the other hand, you will be able to wrap up with a hybrid app development cost falling between $5,000 to $100,000. You might be interested to check best android app development companies list.

    App Development Cost Breakdown in Stages

    We have collected a quick round-up through the insights on mobile app development cost for different stages. All of these differences in costs among different groups of companies have to come to a total including a number of factors of course. Take a look-

    1. Discover & Pre-Research

    When it comes to the very initial stage of mobile app development, the stats record 51% of the apps costing $5,000 and more for discovery and pre-research tasks. On the other hand, 22% of companies have been recorded to spend $5k to $10k for the same.

    2. Design

    The design stage suggests being costing about $5,000 for 32% of the companies while 8% has covered this part within $50k.

    3. Development

    Development is the aspect to watch out for in a mobile app development process. Only 9% of the companies have recorded spending within the cost of $5,000. On the other side, 16% have spent $30k and more on this major part of the process.

    4. Testing & Deployment

    32% of the companies have said to have stayed within the cost of $5,000 for testing and deployment of mobile application development while 31% ended up between $5k to $10k.

    5. Support & Maintenance

    While $5,000 was the cost group within which 28% got their maintenance and support part of the process covered, 18% spent more than $25k for this job.

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    Industry-Wise App Development Cost

    Little did we realize that mobile applications became a requisite part of our lives. A meditation for productivity app for morning and journal app to reflect on the day before sleeping. Then there are social media apps that keep us hooked on the happenings of the world. The type of industry has a lot to say in your mobile app development cost.

    Here we have enlisted the prominent types of mobile app industries for you to know about before defining your app and the mobile app development budget you can work with-

    1. Lifestyle Mobile App Cost

    lifestyle app development cost
    Lifestyle apps are the ones that accent one’s way of living daily life. These apps play a big role in helping individuals have a healthy pace in their routine and have become a major part of everyone’s repertoire. Lifestyle mobile applications include fitness apps, food apps, music apps, travel apps, fashion and beauty apps, and dating apps.

    If you want to build a lifestyle app then you should register one thing in your head- the competition out there is stiff. That should not make you back off the radar but rather make you gulf into creativity and carve out the quintessential idea to lure your customers. Some of the popular lifestyle apps include Spotify, Fabulous, Paytm and Uber. Since lifestyle apps have a diverse categorization, the cost of developing such apps can be as low as $15,000 and as high as $300,000.

    2. Utility Mobile App Development Cost

    utility mobile app cost
    Utility apps are mobile apps that you will find pre-installed on your device. Such apps serve a purpose of utility to make you go about the day-to-day basics. One thing you should note about such apps is that they focus on one function and do not give users a bigger platform to expose to. For instance, a user will only visit the calendar app to check dates and set reminders. If you are planning to create such an app then make sure you widen the scope of its usability as the apps with quick visits cannot help you monetize. These are quite basic apps in general view and thus, do not cost more than $30,000 on average.

    3. Healthcare App Development Cost

    healthcare app cost
    The Healthcare industry is the perfect example of the ever-expanding indulgence of an individual in mobile applications. These apps enable users to consult with doctors, track their health, create diet plans, check into test results and more. Health-centric mobile applications have become a go-to hospital to a wide population of smartphone users, be it Android or iPhone. You can expect to pay the cost ranging between $45,000 to $120,000 to build a healthcare app.

    4. Social Media Mobile App Cost

    social media app cost
    Social media apps have a separate count of fanbase that totals in over a billion of population, take Instagram and Facebook for that matter. Social media apps are the ones that one cannot go their day without. These apps allow users to share photos, videos and put thoughts out there to reach out to friends, family and the world.

    Many businesses indulge their apps with social media sharing functions, allowing users to share what they are doing directly on social media apps right from the app. For instance, the popular music app Spotify allows you to share the music you are listening with over multiple types of apps such as WhatsApp, Instagram Stories, Facebook etc. You can integrate this feature to market your product and draw your customers’ attention again and again to your app. It can cost about $30,000 to $80,000 and more to create a social media app.

    5. EduTech Mobile App Development Cost

    edutech app cost
    Recent years have undergone a tremendous boom in edutech apps. Education mobile apps have become a favorite way to enroll in different lessons. This, undoubtedly, has become a fantastic way for mobile app owners to make a path to monetization. Edutech apps, perhaps, have become a super-advantageous stance for students, teachers and app owners. One of the prominent names in this industry is Byjus. Educational apps cost around $15.000 to $50,000 on average depending on the location and various other factors.

    6. Cost of Gaming Mobile Apps

    gaming app
    The world of gaming and entertainment mobile apps is huge and aggressively competitive. Therefore, you should know how gracefully and cunningly your app is going to woo users. You can launch functions featuring rewards and incentives for customers who focus their time in your app. You can also focus on the graphics and sound which make considerable reasons to check into any gaming app. Some of the popular gaming apps are Call of Duty mobile, Clash of Clans, Angry Birds and Assassin Creed. Building a gaming app will cost about $250,000 to $500,000. You might be interested to check guide on mobile game development cost.

    7. Cost of FinTech Mobile Apps

    cost of fintech mobile app
    Financial Technology or FinTech mobile apps are on fleet-footed rise, making individuals’ access to financial operations and management seamless than before. Such apps allow you to get your hands on various financial facets including banking, investment and insurance right on your smartphone. It takes between $20,000 to $80,000 to create a fintech app.

    8. Information and News Mobile Apps Cost

    news app development
    News and information apps feature plain sailing features that offer purpose to users quite straightforwardly. Some of the popular apps in this category are Flipboard, Feedly, Buzzfeed and Reddit. To make such an app, all you have to do is compose a uniquely standing way to deliver the news because, obviously, you cannot change the news. You also need to work on design and layout to make the app user-friendly and meaningful. Such apps will cost you between $10,000 to $20,000.

    Biggest Factors Affecting the Mobile App Development Cost

    Inside the regional perspective, the mobile app development breaks into different cost-factoring checkpoints. Let us take a look at the major factors affecting app development cost-

    1. App Development Team

    App development cost is affected by the type of app development partner you choose. You always have an option to choose between a mobile app development agency and mobile app development freelancers. While both have sugar and spice in their own ways, choosing a mobile app freelancer is likely to cost you less than a company. Know that it is also affected by the geographical stance of your partner. Choosing one in India will certainly cost you less than the partner in the USA.

    2. Nature of Project

    The complexity of your app which means the extent of its features and performance will always have a big say in the cost of mobile app development you lead.

    • Simple Apps– A basic app (simple design, no backend, standard features etc.) will cost you not more than $50k and 650 hours.
    • Medium Apps– A medium app featuring app integration, payment gateway, custom UI/UX and backend server will cost you between $50k to $100k and not beyond 1,000 hours.
    • Complex Apps– Then there is a complex app packed with custom animations, third-party integrations, custom UI/UX design, multi-language support and real time features that will cost you more than $100k for 1500+ hours.
    Type of App USA UK Germany India
    Simple $40 to $60 $45 to $65 $45 to $80 $10 to $15
    Medium $80 to $100 $71 to $82 $90 to $120 $20 to $30
    Complex $120 to $125 $1200 to $150 $140 to $170 $40 to $50

    3. Platform

    You need to do your fullest when researching different app development platforms. If you are going to choose between Android and iOS, the location is obviously going to determine whether it is a good idea or not. So, you have to be very mindful of your target audience. As long as you are developing for a single platform, you may not notice much difference in the cost. However, choosing to create an app for multiple platforms is definitely going to impact the cost.

    How Much Does it Cost to Maintain an App?

    There needs to be a tweak in the slant from where most app owners tend to look. In the chase for cost-effective mobile app development, most draw a sigh at the launch of the app, thinking that the run has come to rest. Let us be upfront with it- this is not true. This cannot be.

    The world out there has become steadier than ever and it is pacing rapidly. In order to catch up with its snowballing, one needs to come in terms with the need to make changes in their app. It is because the market is never stagnant and every day, there is a new demand and trend to watch out for.

    When the ultimate goal is to spotlight brand visibility and give users an experience to remember, it becomes unavoidable to maintain an app. So how much does it cost to maintain a mobile app? The answer is as straightforward as between 15 to 20% of the total cost of mobile app development.

    App development app involves debugging, upgrades, and several other dealings with different issues or new ideas which are necessary for customer satisfaction. While the cost depends a lot on the project goal and duration, it generally does not exceed 20% of the total expense of app development.

    How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App? -Country Wise

    So what is the real deal when it comes to the cost of mobile app development in India, the USA, the UK, and Germany?

    It bears different factors to gauge the most cost-friendly geographical solution for app development.

    How Much Does it Cost to Build Mobile App in the USA?

    To get the app development process accentuated well in the US, you will have to spend about $100 to $150 per hour. Both Android and iOS app development will cost you about $50-$150 hourly, depending on the complexity of the app. The average cost of hiring a freelance developer in the US is $68.

    How Much Does it Cost to Make a Mobile App in the UK?

    You will have to pay around $70 for Android and iOS app development in the UK. The average hourly rate for app development in the UK calculates to $71. Hiring a freelance developer in the UK comes at an average of $93 per hour.

    How Much Does it Cost to Create Mobile App in Germany?

    App development in Germany demands between $150 to $199 hourly cost. You can expect to pay about the average of $61 to hire a freelance developer in Germany.

    How Much Does it Cost to Develop Mobile App in India?

    In India, you can expect around $25 to $30 per hour for Android and iOS app development costs depending, again, on the complexity of the app you are building. It counts to an average of $26 to hire a developer in India.

    Here is an average hourly rate for mobile app development in these countries as estimated looking at the platform-

    Platform US UK Germany India
    Android $50 – $150 $71 $150 – $199 $25 -$30
    iOS $50 – $150 $71 $150 – $199 $25- $30

    This cost estimation is instituted by a number of aspects such as app development platform, technology, development team, research, maintenance etc. You should not let the services price list be the deciding factor for you to hire an app development agency or freelancer. You must pay attention to the information such as previous client reviews, expertise in technical areas etc.

    If you’d like to have your app developed at nominal cost at the infrastructure you sketched in your head, then your hunt for a good mobile app development agency should not undergo any bargain. In order to make your product thrive and your money worthwhile, you must insist upon thorough research, calls and meetings before you take on a final call.

    Types of Mobile App Development Technologies

    It is important for you to get yourself familiar with the technology in order to use one for your app. Here, we have listed 5 major mobile app technologies that you should definitely know of-


    Easy to play with and packed with a range of libraries for developers to pick from, this mobile app development technology is best fitted for Android app development. If you are looking for something really extensive and modular then Java may have the shot.


    Its ability to let you write code once and leverage it into creating applications for multiple platforms without compromising on anything is what makes C++ technology so coveted. If you are planning to opt for something dynamic yet simple, you can do your reading on C++.


    This easy-going language is rather simple to learn. Consisting of some of the popular names such as Laravel, Symphony, and Lumen, this mobile app technology is preferred most for large-scale mobile app development for its dynamic, simplified, and open-source approach.


    There is probably nothing that can beat HTML5 if you are looking for a mobile application technology that is budget-friendly, renders easy mobile access, backs offline browsing, and gets the agenda accomplished quickly, giving you faster time to market.


    Hello there, iOS developers. If your app has to be dedicated to the iOS platform then Swift is there for you. This iOS app development technology offers attractive features at nominal coding and dynamic attitude, giving you a smooth app development experience.

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    Mobile App Development Team Structure

    app development team
    An app development team features eminent constituents with each offering a dedicated set of roles and responsibilities. It is imperative to hire an app development team to accelerate the development process and to commence that, you should understand the positions in an app development team required to look after different parameters.

    Let us now move ahead to discuss different mobile app development team positions and their roles and responsibilities that come forward together to make an outstanding product.

    1. Project Manager

    The project manager or strategist is the position studded with the responsibility to lead the entire app development project towards the visionary headway of an ideal app. This role captures a number of duties under the prime role of leadership which requires an individual to be farsighted, evaluative, and well-versed with in-depth knowledge of the app development companies and the business world.

    In the name of this position, an individual should be armed with top-notch management skills, mobile development, and development methodologies. A project manager is also responsible for the perseverance among mobile app developers and the entire team. On top of that, he should be good at weaving techniques to align with the customer’s requirements. So the project manager-

    • Is well-equipped with technical knowledge
    • Has strong leadership persona
    • Is on good terms with excellent knowledge of business world
    • Inspires, manages and lead team
    • Understands and keep in pace with his responsibilities
    • Performs cool at multitasking

    Hiring a project manager for your app development will cost you about $30 to $110 per hour, depending on the location of the individual.

    2. UI/UX Designers

    Design execution is not as starry and smooth as it may seem to a layman. It is not a one-shot job. The design team maps multiple steps before they reach the sturdy UX/UX functionalities. It all starts with the requirements of documentation subsequent to which the deployment of the app’s navigation system and wireframes get started.

    The designers then move to the appearance and friendliness of the application to do which they hover over the UI/UX identical across the concerned platform. This team comprises strategists, visual designers, content planners,s and navigation planners. Everyone in this team is responsible for a flexible app development process. In sum, the UX/UI development team-

    • Brainstorms and constructs a user profile
    • Tests and tests again the UI/UX before delivering it
    • Establishes an intuitive user interface
    • Institutes app prototypes
    • Mobilizes changes and upgrades as per the user reviews and feedback

    The average hourly pay for a UX/UI designer is $30 to $92.

    3. Developers

    Then comes the mobile app developer whose job is to elevate the UI/UX mapping and breathe life into an application. Developers should be skilled in a dedicated platform that may be of their choice and the languages it entails. For instance, if one is an Android developer then he should be eloquent with languages like Kotlin/Java.

    As far as iOS app developers are concerned, it is required for them to be in pace with Swift/Objective-C. When looking for a Cross-platform mobile app developer, it is essential to find one who is skilled with C# for Xamarin, HTML/JavaScript/CSS for PhoneGap as well as Cordova and JavaScript for React Native.

    Apart from technical skillset and experience, the mobile app developers-

    • Should be determined and able to deliver the expected tasks
    • Should be agile with the process
    • Invite feedback and reviews cool-headed
    • Implement changes wherever needed

    You will be paying about $20 to $115 per hour to a developer in order to get your job done. The salary of a mobile app developer which you have to pay will be determined by factors including their location and level of expertise.

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    4. Quality Assurance Engineers

    You can regard this designation in an app development company as the first and not to mention- the foremost user to the app. These experts scrutinize the entirety of a mobile app and evaluate its headway. QA helps hit the green or red on the signal after checking over all the major and minor workings of the app.

    The position of a Quality Assurance expert is held in high regard in the light of quality confirmation and thus, anyone in position is responsible for determining whether the app is all prepped-up to unleash in the market or there still are loose nails to hammer. In a flash, a Quality Assurance person-

    • Should run across every aspect of the app
    • Devise investigation on the quality of the app
    • Encircle the loose ends and provide input to the design and development team
    • Ensure the impeccability of the app’s overall outcome as per the set goals

    You need to have your budget between $25 to $90 for an hourly salary of your QA.

    5. Sales and Marketing Experts

    The long hours and sleepless nights of efforts and re-do’s boils down to the one breakthrough of action- the sales and marketing of the app. To roll down to that, you need to call in the sales and marketing troops that carry out the promotional strategies and communicate with users.

    Everything is nothing without this side of a mobile app development team unfurling the mechanics of exposing the app to its target audience. It is the marketing team that helps customers grasp the app’s uniqueness and its usage in their life. This type of communication is acted upon using various platforms online and offline. In a nutshell, the sales, and marketing team-

    • Communicates with customers
    • Works on the product branding
    • Brainstorm creative ideas to advertise the app
    • Reach out to the audience across multiple channels offline and online
    • Transforms the app into a profitable outcome

    The average pay for the sales and marketing experts of your app development team will fall around $15 to $100 per hour depending on the marketing agency, influencer, and many other parameters of the marketing.

    Designation USA UK Germany India
    Business Analyst $100-$150 $90-$140 $70-$100 $30-$50
    Project Manager $90-$110 $80-$100 $55-$65 $25-$50
    Jr. Developer $50-$70 $45-$60 $40-$50 $20-$40
    Sr. Developer $75-$105 $70-$95 $65-$80 $35-$60
    Lead Developer $90-$115 $80-$100 $70-$90 $35-$65
    Junior QA $45-$60 $40-$55 $35-$45 $15-$25
    Mid-level QA $60-$75 $50-$70 $45-$55 $25-$35
    Senior QA $75-$90 $65-$80 $50-$65 $30-$45

    Why Choose NineHertz for Mobile App Development?

    Ninehertz has been catering to the app development standards and demands for years now. As you lookout for the best mobile app development companies to choose from, NineHertz has a lot to say for the reasons why you should go for it.

    Here are the reasons why you should go for NineHertz as your app development partner

    Solution for Different Business Industries

    Health care, retail, social, productivity, education, travel, and whatnot. No matter what your business vertical is, you make the best of result-driven app development work done here.


    The company treats you with solutions that work gently with your budget.

    Choose Your Hiring Model

    A dedicated app development team or the solutions at hourly demands, you can pick from different hiring models as per your requirements.

    Global Recognition

    Served to a number of giants in the business world including Pepsi, Samsung, Casio, and Reliance Jio.

    Diverse Technologies

    iOS, Android, Flutter, Xamarin, and many more. You will find your fleet-footed needs come to actionability with the technology of your choice.

    Non-Disclosure Agreement

    Your confidentiality is more precious than anything else. At NineHertz, the innovative angles, workings and everything else is maintained inside the veil.

    FAQ’s on Mobile Application Development Cost

    Q. 1. How Much Time Does it Take to Develop an App?

    The overall time for an app development process averages between 4 to 6 months.

    Q. 2. How Much Budget Should I Invest for the App Maintenance?

    The ideal cost for app maintenance falls at up to 20% of the cost of initial app development. For instance, if your initial app development cost was $150,000 then you should invest not more than $30,000 to maintain the app.

    Q. 3.Where Do I Look for Mobile App Developers or Companies?

    There are multiple ways to find mobile app developers or companies. You can navigate through tech blogs where you will find a number of best options to choose from. Then, you have freelance websites and communities where you can find good options for freelance developers. You can do your research with the help of google and check up on reviews to gain insights on a game development company or developer.

    Q. 4. How Do I Make Money from My Mobile App?

    The best ways to make money with a mobile app include one-time payment, in-app purchases and subscriptions. Advertising could also be a good source of making money with your app.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.