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    Everything About LinkedIn Clone App and Script – Things to Know Before You Develop One

    Updated Date: October 16, 2020
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    LinkedIn – It is a social network designed to keep professionals in mind. One of the most popular social networks, Linkedin enjoys a vast user base of around 673 million active users from 200 countries across the world. Users can use this platform for finding a job based on their education, skills, and experience. While the companies can leverage this platform for creating online pages of their business. Overall, it is a platform that supports network expansion through developing new business connections and discovering contacts of prospective employers and other professionals.

    Whereas the most significant aspect for any business, revenue is concerned, Linkedin generates revenue in three different ways. The first one from which Microsoft earns a huge chunk of revenue is hiring solutions. While the next in a row are advertisement and premium subscriptions.

    For remembrance, Linkedin became public in Jan 2011, and post filling for an IPO, it became a traded company on May 19 of the same year. Now, Microsoft is Linkedin’s parent company, after its purchase in the year 2018 for a whopping sum of 26.2 billion USD.

    In the current date, Linkedin is one of the most successful online recruitment platforms and its popularity is increasing day by day with its extended use by professionals and social recruitment platforms.

    Considering the huge success of Linkedin, several startups and well-established businesses are looking to develop an app like Linkedin.

    But mobile application development for job recruitment requires lots of effort, planning, and costs. That’s where the Linkedin clone app or script came into existence to reduce such development-related headaches and save a good sum of money spent on web or app development projects for job recruitment.

    Now first understands,

    What is LinkedIn Clone Script? Why do We Need a LinkedIn Clone Script?

    Linkedin Clone Script is a ready-made and replica script of the web or application that ends up the need of investing a great amount of effort and money during the development process. Also, it became easier to launch a job recruitment platform for professionals using clone script within a limited time period.

    It is absolutely legal to use a clone script of any website for your business. That is why there is no need to worry about using Linkedin Clone Script for the development of your job recruitment platform. Other than this, it complies with the professional standards of the community and helps in generating revenue in a short time.

    These are few of the reasons why startups and entrepreneurs are choosing Linkedin PHP Clone Script over the development of job recruitment platforms from the scratch.

    Besides, there are several benefits of using a clone script which you will find in the below section.

    What are the Benefits of Using Linkedin Clone Script for the Establishment of a Successful Recruitment Website?

    linkedin clone

    The following are the benefits of using Linkedin Clone Script for the development of a successful recruitment website. Let’s have a look

    The Ever-Growing Demand

    Linkedin is one of the most popular websites for professionals. It is the platform that offers job opportunities for individuals based on their education, skills, and experience. And each passing day the number of people looking for jobs and internships is growing. And the platforms like Linkedin are gaining a great deal of attention. Indeed and Monster is one of the best examples of employment and recruitment websites which are highly popular these days. So it is the right choice to develop a Linkedin-like app and using a clone script is beneficial considering several aspects mentioned above like less consumption of time, efforts, and money and revenue generation within a short time.

    A Quick Way to Increase Traffic:

    A platform like Linkedin provides a perfect balance between employers and job seekers. The number of job seekers looking for jobs and the employers in need of suitable candidates for the job openings is growing daily and the process will continue over time. This leads to boost organic traffic on such job recruitment websites like Linkedin. Also, such a flow of organic traffic (Job seekers and employers) ensures a continuous stream of revenue. That is why it is ideal to use a Social Network Script for the development of employment and recruitment websites.

    Easy to Generate Money

    Once you have created an application or networking site like Linkedin using a clone script. It is easier to monetize your app/website since there are several possible ways available. Either you can start advertising of other sites on your application or ask for a commission once an employer successfully hires a member using the platform. In addition to this, you can ask for a subscription or membership fee for the additional features provided to the users. These are a few ways that can help your professional network business for employment and job recruitment in earning money.


    The Linkedin PHP Clone Script is a ready-made software to use. The only thing you have to do is to purchase it to secure the rights to use it. And it can immediately be launched to serve your professional network business. Such social network software is easy to install, even a non-technical individual can do it without any need for technical knowledge. You have to perform simple alterations at the logo and description front. Also, it provides customization ease in order to add extra features based on your requirements.


    The readily available and easy to install replica scripts of Linkedin comes at a handy price. To make use of them, you need to purchase them and perform downloading and installation to launch your website.

    What Do You Need to Establish a Good Professional Network? If you Choose for Linkedin Clone Script

    professional network

    A strong network of people defines an efficient social networking site. And it can only be achieved if you follow the given tips here

    1. Alluring Web Design:

    Nowadays, it’s easier to launch a professional network for jobs and recruitment. Because there are several clone scripts available in the market. You can choose the best suited Linkedin Clone App and launch it immediately. But an application’s major aspect that allures a large customer base is the web design. It’s in your hand and you are free to customize web design and logos accordingly to make it a great design.

    2. SEO Friendly Content:

    The next thing after web design that should be in your mind is the content you upload on the application. It should be SEO friendly with perfect usages of keywords since it will help in keeping your app in the top search results and increase online visibility.

    3. Construct Your Own Social Network

    It’s easier to build your own social network, thanks to the available Linkedin PHP clones. Choose the best suited and it will do wonders for building a large network in no time.

    And the points you need to consider while opting for a clone are

    • It should possess unique features
    • Google ranking should be high
    • Social network community should be remarkable

    So these are a few tips and points that should be taken into consideration before buying a Linkedin Clone App or Scripts. Here you can check what do you need to develop an app like TikTok.

    Development Requirements, If You Wish to Start Your own Linkedin clone

    development of linkedin

    By now you must have understood why using a Linkedin clone script is beneficial for the launch of a professional network for employment and job recruitment. Still, if you wish to develop a clown script of your own, there are following things that you need to bear in mind.

    Let’s start with a minimalist team you need for web/app development.

    • UI designer
    • UX developer
    • Front end developers
    • Back end developers
    • Task manager
    • QA engineer
    • DevOps expert

    Other than this,

    Don’t Jump into Coding First!

    When you have decided to build your own social network script, don’t jump into the coding. Start with the MVP (Minimal Viable Product) development of your project first. But the turnaround time for the MVP rollout should not exceed 90 days. You might be thinking it is impossible to roll out MVP for a product featured with outstanding features within the mentioned time period. However, it’s enough time to collect real-life data and customer feedback in order to highlight the software’s important features. Therefore, the initial development should be simple because the priority here is to satisfy base operational and security needs in order to function the app smoothly.

    List Down Your High-Level Ideas

    In today’s time, the number of applications releasing on the app store every day is quite high. Therefore outranking others in the competition is so difficult and plausible only if your app features unique elements. So, it’s much important to note down high-level ideas which will lead to the development of a successful application. In other ways, you can adopt the Lean Startup Methodology to perform this task of listing high-level ideas. To do so, you need to apply for the Business Model Canvas and purchase the Startup Owner’s Model.

    List Down Features for Linkedin Like App MVP

    Following are the features your MVP for Linkedin like an app should possess

    For Users

    • Account Creation: This feature allows the registration of users on the platform to make use of offered services
    • Private Messaging: With this feature, users on the app platform can communicate with each other through messages.
    • Create and Manage Connection: Ease of creating and manage connection allows users to connect with other users, follow their profiles and unfollow whenever they want.
    • Resume Management: This feature enables the creation of a resume including the education, skills, and experience of the user.
    • Account Management: With this facility, users can manage their accounts on their own.
    • Group Management: This option enables members of the network to create a group, set features accordingly, and delete the group when the need arises.
    • User Privacy: With this feature, users can customize their profile privacy options effortlessly.
    • Activity Feed: It includes features for posting, editing, deleting, liking, and sharing feeds
    • Job Posting: Allow users to create and manage job posts.
    • Activity Notifications: it gives users notifications from the platform.
    • Search: This feature allows conducting a search on the platform.

    Administration Panel

    • Admin Login: It gives access to admin user for the creation of a secure login
    • Dashboard Management: Admin users can manage the platform’s different modules through a given dashboard.
    • User Management: With this option, admin users can add, edit, and delete user accounts.
    • Manage Job Applications: Includes features for the management of job listing and job application.
    • Activity Feed management: Features for the management of activity feeds.
    • Manage Groups: Admin interface that allows the management of groups and reviews on the platform.
    • Email Management: Gives access to admin users for content management of the emails sent from the platform to the users.
    • Resume Management: Features for managing user resumes.
    • Membership Levels: Admin interface for the management of different levels of memberships offered to the users.
    • CMS: Admin access for the management of the frontend content and configurations.

    These are some basic features your Linkedin like app must possess. Other than this, don’t forget to add some unique features to get an edge over your competitors.

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    Design Your Linkedin Like App by Yourself

    If you are not hiring an app developer then before starting the designing of your clone app like Linkedin, it is necessary to understand the involved modules and differences among them. The design process of the Linkedin app includes sketch, wireframe, mockup, and prototype. For your information, all these are not the same.

    • The wireframe demonstrates the sketch of the application user interface.
    • The mockup is an app interface developed using animated features and colors.
    • Membership Levels: Admin interface for the management of different levels of memberships offered to the users.
    • CThe prototype, on the other hand, provides functioning to the app user interface, like a button press.

    Above discussed modules not only simplifies the designing process but also reduces the expenditure of money and efforts to a greater extent. Even the process allows designing of your app by yourself since customizing design is way far easier than making changes to the code.

    Opt for App Templates to Pace Up Development Process

    App templates are the best way to speed up your app development process since it ends up the need for developing each aspect of the application from the scratch. Not only it saves time you are going to invest but also lets you focus more on the development of unique features that stand out your application from the crowd. Here are some examples of popular app templates available in the market for the development of social network apps.

    Woopy-Chat App Template
    Social Network App Template
    Twitter Clone App Template

    Don’t Rush for Developing Apps for both iOS and Android Platforms Simultaneously

    Post navigating through the above-mentioned processes, it’s time to take a pause and think carefully, which platform is going to select to empower the first release of your app. However, there is an option of hybrid development that enables app development for multiple platforms concurrently. But this approach is not advisable due to the fact that it makes MVP development complicated and increases the development cost to a great extent. Other than this, the built app became hard to understand. Therefore, choose a single platform first. Not only it will reduce the time and money going to invest in the app development but also open up an opportunity to add new features in the application in the near future.

    Start Developing the App with Backend Creation

    Once the platform is decided for the application’s first release, it’s time for seriously dwelling into the app development. You can start with the backend creation of your Linkedin clone app since it consists of most of the application’s core aspects like data storage/retrieval, business rules, and API generation. For the backend generation, BaaS (Backend as a Service) is the best possible option available in the market. It lets you focus on the development of the application’s core features by maintaining its significant backend tasks effortlessly. Other than this, the development team will avail several other benefits of using BaaS for backend creation that are

    • Reduced development timeline
    • Increased service options
    • Major focus on app development
    • Reduced development costs

    Create your App Frontend

    The frontend is one of the major aspects that determine the success of the application going to release on the app store. So, once you have written code for the backend creation of your Linkedin clone script. You can step up your game with the frontend development. But one thing that should be in your mind is that the app frontend should be clean, attractive, and functional to keep users engaged.

    For your information, app development provides the facility of choosing from options like native, web, or hybrid app development. Considering the best fit for your Linkedin clone app & script, you can choose any of these. Know why react native app development suits 2020 trends?

    If you go with the native app, the application majorly depends on the operating system and needs access from hardware components and functions. Other than this, the best in appearance and ambience among the three, the native apps provide the facility of working offline. On the other hand, web apps are totally different, they do not require hardware access, provide limited features, and need internet access to function. However, the invested money for the creation of web apps is quite low as compared to native and hybrid apps. And they do not seek special requirements for installation. If the hybrid apps are considered, they are native in design and possess a web view as well that runs within the app.

    Considering your requirement and app development budget, you are free to choose any of the three mentioned platforms.

    Don’t forget creating the App Landing Page

    The app landing page allows you to set your target audience. Also, you can gather vital information about prospective users from the targeted audience. It will help you fine-tune your campaigns for improved conversion rates. That is how you can increase your customer base for app download. Other than this, the app landing page helps in increasing your brand presence and credibility in the market.

    Setup Linkedin Clone App Analytics Dashboard

    Analytics dashboard, a platform that is vital to measure critical parameters of your app and provide you with the stats that gives the insights of user activities, their interaction with app features, and much more. It is a must for app development since it gives you the app insights by monitoring users’ interaction with the application. This further allows improving the app by altering existing features, adding new ones, and eliminating redundant functions to enhance app performance.

    In addition to this, you can use an analytics dashboard for analyzing KPIs of your apps likewise active users, downloads, revenue generation, and much more. Such vital information lets you know whether you are achieving your goals or not. So the real-life data is way more valuable in order to optimize your app for attaining outstanding performance among the crowd.

    Release your Mobile App on the App Store

    Post completing all the processes associated with the app development, it’s time to launch the mobile app on the Google Play Store and the App Store. But don’t forget, before publishing your app, you require legal documents like Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You can construct these documents with the help of a lawyer or go with a cheaper option of buying templates and customize according to your app.

    For your information, publishing an app on the Google Play Store is way easier while its release on the App Store requires a manual vetting before its launch.

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    hire mobile app developer

    Final Word

    Are you looking to set up your own Linkedin like app for jobs and recruitment ease? This blog is a one-stop solution. Since it provides you with all the important information for setting up a Linkedin clone app. From the description of Linkedin Clone Script, its requirement, benefits to development requirements, if one chooses for building its own Linkedin Clone App & Script and its rollout on the app store. This blog gives you all. Hope this blog will help in clarifying all your doubts before you start developing a Linkedin-like app or Linkedin Clone App/Script of your own.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.