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    20 Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2024

    Updated Date: April 9, 2024
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Do you have any idea how many mobile apps are available right now? There are over 5 million apps available for Android and iOS, believe it or not. But have you ever thought about how these apps are created? Or what tools and mobile app development frameworks are used to create these apps?

    We might not have bothered to ask these questions in the first place. But we can all agree that mobile apps have become an indisputable part of our daily lives, right? Apps help us meet all of our needs seamlessly, while business organizations use the same apps to expand their market. Even reports say the mobile app development market is expanding rapidly at CARG 14% and is likely to touch revenue of around $100 Billion by 2022. It’s a win-win situation

    However, the question of how to create an app remains unanswered. Of course, that is something that a reputable mobile app development company can handle quite well. Although having a clear understanding of the most recent frameworks for mobile app development gives you an advantage when hiring a mobile app developer.

    Let’s dive in!!

    What is Mobile App Framework?

    A mobile app frameworkis a software development platform that includes programming interfaces, compilers, and debugging tools, among other things. As a result, a developer creates the source code and framework for the application and then uses various elements to generate the app for various mobile devices.

    Mobile applications have proven to be the most effective way for businesses to expand their customer base. There has never been a shortage of app ideas for beginners. Everything worked in favor of application development companies.

    You don’t need to know any complicated computer languages to make an app. For iOS and Android, there are a variety of app development frameworks. You need a strong understanding of web-based programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    Top Mobile App Development Frameworks List

    # Frameworks Release Year Latest Version
    1 Flutter 2017 3.0.1
    2 React Native 2015 0.68
    3 Ionic 2013 5.6.12
    4 xamarin 2011 version 5.0
    5 PhoneGap 2011 9.0.0
    6 Jquery Mobile 2010 1.4.5
    7 Mobile Angular UI 2016 1.3.4
    8 Framework7 2020 5.7.10
    9 Native Script 2021 8.2.2
    10 VuForia 2011 9.8

    There is no best mobile app development frameworks it all depends on identifying the right framework, platform, development methodology, and project requirements. Let’s look at some of the 20 popular frameworks for mobile app development for developers in 2022 that are highly recommended.

    1. Flutter

    Flutter is best mobile app framework that lets you create native Android and iOS apps with a simple codebase. It’s a game-changing SDK for cross-platform app development because it employs a novel approach to creating native-like apps. It’s an unrivaled and dependable smartphone UI framework for developing attractive apps quickly and efficiently by speeding up development.
    Mobile app development frameworks
    Flutter is a comprehensive and precise framework that contains widgets, a rendering engine, debugging and integrating APIs, and resources to assist developers in creating and deploying trending applications. Flutter has been used by several well-known organizations, including Google and Abbey Road Studios.

    Features of Flutter

    • More fast development.
    • cross-platform mobile apps
    • Visuals that are both appealing and intriguing.
    • Performance that is comparable to that of a native

    2. React Native

    React Native, built and supported by Facebook, is an accessible, cross-platform mobile application development framework that has quickly become the preferred option of mobile app developers. React Native facilitates the development of Android and iOS mobile applications. The most exemplary instances of React Native apps are those from prominent businesses like Tesla, Airbnb, Skype, or Amazon Prime.
     Mobile App Frameworks
    The major appeal of React Native is that it enables quicker development and implementation. Reusable elements, interaction with third-party extensions, plus component-based GUI creation for front-end apps are further important characteristics of React Native.

    Features of React Native

    • Outstanding performance
    • Components that can be reused
    • Third-party extension compatibility

    3. Ionic

    Ionic is a popular mobile app development frameworks that uses Angular and Apache Cordova to allow developers to create mobile apps for three different platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows. It uses a minimal DOM to improve performance and efficiency, as well as native APIs such as Ionic Native and Cordova.
    Frameworks for Mobile App Development
    Ionic is the most developer-friendly framework among the top 20 Mobile Application Development Frameworks, allowing developers to create high-quality mobile, desktop, and Progressive Web Apps from a single codebase. The Ionic framework is for developers who want to create hybrid and interactive mobile apps.

    Features of Ionic

    • App creation for several platforms
    • The user interface is consistent.>
    • Improved performance
    • The user’s adaptability

    4. Xamarin

    Xamarin is best mobile app frameworks for developing apps for Android and iOS. Because they use the C# programming language, they require less code.
    mobile app framework
    As a result, the mobile app development process is quicker. It also allows you to quickly share the codes across different platforms, such as Windows and macOS. Since developing an app is so much faster, you might assume that faster development means sacrificing design and performance.

    However, Xamarin-based apps deliver seamless native performance in terms of quality and performance. Microsoft has acquired Xamarin. As a result, its integration with Microsoft Visual Studio is a plus in-app development control and efficiency. Here you can find a detailed guide on what is Xamarin.

    Features of Xamarin

    • Quick Development
    • Native appearance and feel
    • Compatible with a variety

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    5. PhoneGap

    PhoneGap is another open-source mobile app development framework that is also regarded as the most user-friendly cross-platform framework. This tool uses Web APIs to build applications, which means it creates them in a wrapper native app shell and then deploys them in native stores for various platforms.
    Best Mobile app frameworks
    It also includes a cloud service called “Build” that compiles applications without the need for any SDKs to be installed on the system.

    Features of PhoneGap

    • Code reusability.
    • Apache-backed, Apache Cordova-powered.
    • Simple-to-use plugins.
    • The back end is strong.

    6. Corona

    Corona is a hybrid mobile app frameworks for quickly developing apps and games for mobile devices, desktops, tablets, and smart TVs. It is powered by Lua base framework lightweight scripting language, which provides speed, ease of use, and flexibility in app development.
    Corona SDK is widely used by game developers, making it the best framework for developing hybrid apps. Corona SDK lets you see changes in the simulator in real-time, whether you’re developing business apps or games, allowing you to iterate quickly.

    Features of Corona

    • Lua-based platform with a robust and lightweight scripting language for games
    • Numerous plugins to meet every purpose.
    • Strong API support for integrating with any native library
    • Faster development procedure
    • Over 500,000 Corona developers

    7. JQuery Mobile

    JQuery Mobile is an HTML5-based user interface framework built on top of the jQuery Core JavaScript framework for creating mobile, tablet, and desktop responsive websites and applications. It uses jQuery and jQueryUI to provide API features for mobile web apps while maintaining a single code base.
    mobile app development frameworks
    You can run your code on any of the required platforms for developing apps for Windows Phones, Symbian, and Blackberry using the JQuery Mobile framework. One of the best hybrid mobile app development frameworks, thanks to its user-friendliness and interactive web pages.

    Features of JQuery

    • Based on the JQuery Core framework
    • Lightweight size
    • HTML5 configuration
    • Automatic initialization
    • Robust theming framework
    • Simple API

    8. Intel XDK

    The Intel XDK is the next mobile app frameworks on our list it allows users to create cross-platform mobile applications for various platforms. This category includes everything from web services to rich content plugins, interactive mobile apps, and responsive apps that can run on any device. It’s a hybrid mobile app framework known for assisting developers with a wide range of tasks, including development, emulation, testing, and debugging. Recently,
    Frameworks for mobile app development
    there has been a significant change in support for all functionalities that one would want to build mobile HTML5 applications for Android, iOS, and Windows 10 UAP using either Apache Cordova or any other of choice.

    Features of Intel XDK

    • It includes many developer-friendly features and a one-stop shop for all development tasks.
    • Newer versions add support for Android, iOS, and Windows.
    • When in an integrated environment with other tools, the tool also provides users with a live preview option on the linked device while still in the development phases.

    9. Mobile Angular UI

    The Mobile Angular UI combines HTML5, Bootstrap, and Angular JS magically. If you’re already familiar with Twitter Bootstrap and Angular JS, you’ll be able to pick up Mobile Angular UI quickly. The basic mobile development components missing from Bootstrap 3 are available in this mobile UI framework.
    mobile app framework
    These components are examples of these components: overlays, switches, sidebars, scrollable areas, and other elements. The main libraries of Mobile Angular UI are fastclick.js and overthrow.js.

    Features OF Mobile Angular UI

    • Create HTML5 hybrid desktop and mobile apps.
    • There are no jQuery dependencies.
    • Create fully responsive interfaces with a single CSS file.

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    10. Appcelerator Titanium

    Appcelerator Titanium is a better solution to make cross-platform apps, and you can get started with it by downloading Titanium studio. With all of the rapid development features of mobile applications, the Titanium SDK is capable.
    Hybrid Mobile app frameworks
    Furthermore, Alloy-created mobile applications are simple to use across multiple applications, reducing development time and the number of lines of code required.

    The compiled code is a mix of native and JavaScript, which improves performance even more for mobile hybrid development.

    Features of Appcelerator Titanium:

    • This tool offers a hybrid development environment experience similar to that of Xamarin and PhoneGap.
    • Mobile applications developed in collaboration with Alloy allow ease of reuse across multiple applications and platforms.

    11. Framework7

    Framework7 is an open-source HTML framework that can create desktop, progressive web apps (PWA), web applications, and mobile apps for iOS and Android that have a native look and feel.

    Framework 7 is a best mobile app development frameworks that is completely agnostic and makes apps look and feel native with properly styled animations and components.
    Hybrid Mobile app frameworks
    Framework 7 does not require external dependencies like React and Angular, and it is simple for anyone to create apps with Framework7 because it understands HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    Features of Framework7

    • It is really simple to customize.
    • It aids in developing native applications without the use of React or AngularJS’s external dependencies.
    • Provides a plethora of UI widgets and features to help in developing feature-rich mobile applications.

    12. Onsen UI

    When creating complex mobile applications, Onsen UI is one of the most powerful frameworks for mobile app development . It creates stunning HTML apps using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It also includes Angular JS1, Angular 2+, React, and Vue support.
    mobile app development frameworks
    This platform deserves praise for its ability to adapt the app’s appearance to different platforms. For example, if you want a native look for iOS and Android, you can use the automatic styling on the UI components. TIts rich set of UI components includes tabs, stack navigation, lists, forms, etc.

    Features of Onsen UI

    • Setup takes no time at all.
    • Simple to use and understand
    • Development that saves time and money

    13. Swiftic

    Swiftic is a do-it-yourself mobile app platform that aims to make it simple for anyone to create custom mobile apps for their business. It makes app development easier by allowing developers to use existing content from the internet rather than starting from scratch.
    mobile app development frameworks
    It is one of the most popular mobile app development frameworks because it provides a smooth user experience, specialized banking, and simple strategies.

    The framework includes push notifications; social media platform feeds, app advertising, and other technological advancements. It’s one of the most straightforward mobile app development solutions because it allows you to design, launch, and expand your app all from a single dashboard.

    Features of Swiftic

    • Programs that offer a 30-day money-back guarantee
    • The interaction and navigation are straightforward.
    • Integration with other parties is strong.

    14. Native Script

    Native Script is a mobile app frameworks that enables the creation of native Android and iOS apps from a single codebase. Instead of using web views to render the user interface, Native Script uses Angular, JS, Vue.js, SML, CSS, and other frameworks to incorporate native APIs. It uses all iOS and Android APIs to provide native-like app performance.
    Mobile app frameworks

    Features of Native Script

    • Availability of native APIs
    • Utilization of native UI components
    • Cross-platform development
    • Robust back-end support

    15. Sencha Ext JS

    It was previously known as Sencha, but it was merged with Ext JS and is now known as Sencha Ext JS. This JavaScript framework can be used to create data-intensive applications for the web and mobile devices. It’s also a best mobile app framework that works across platforms.
    frameworks for mobile app development
    Ext JS comes with over 115 pre-integrated and high-performing user interface components. Some of the components are HTML5 calendar, pivot grid, grids, trees, D3 adapter, lists, menus, forms, toolbars, windows, panels, etc. Sencha also has a large number of user extensions.

    Features of Sencha:

    • Can handle millions of data
    • Powerful analytics
    • Flexible layout system
    • Visual data representation
    • State-of-the-art Data-Driven Documents package (D3)

    16. Monaca

    Monaca is a cloud-based, hybrid mobile app development framework that allows quick and flexible app development. It simplifies the process of developing HTML5 mobile applications with Apache Cordova.
    mobile app frameworks
    It offers a versatile development environment, making it the ideal app builder. It began as a browser-based cloud IDE before expanding to include desktop GUI and command-line tools.

    It now also comes with a Visual Studio extension. It supports Angular1, Angular2, React, Vue, and any other framework you want!

    Features of Monaca

    • Debugging and testing
    • Continuous integration and remote build
    • powerful and highly efficient

    17. Mobincube

    Mobincube is a fantastic application interface that allows users to easily create any mobile application for Android, iOS, and Windows. This tool is fantastic; you can build the core of your application by simply adding screens and elements.
    Best Mobile app frameworks
    If you’re new to development, there are 100% pre-built templates that you can use to create the perfect app for your business with almost no coding. The developers can create applications for businesses, educational institutions, the entertainment industry, the healthcare industry, etc. If you want to show off your technical prowess, you could add your HTML and JavaScript masterpieces for added functionality and interaction.

    Features of Mobincube

    • To increase sales, there is a provision to create mobile stores.
    • Provides great third-party integrations within the application
    • Provides customization to the lowest level possible within the application. Provides free account offerings to test out the available features
    • It has unlimited storage space and is compatible with multiple platforms.

    18. Qt

    Qt is a cross-application SDK that provides a low-cost design, development, and deployment framework. Developers can use this tool to easily deliver the best possible user experience across a wide range of handheld devices. Qt is a platform that allows you to connect all the gaps between different platforms and online and offline experiences.
    Qt app development framework
    It also enables you to deploy applications on Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. It also provides you an opportunity for contextual and personalized interaction with the customers outside of the core product itself.

    Features of Qt

    • Provides excellent workarounds for buggy SSL servers
    • IPv6 and dual-mode networks are supported.
    • Supports the use of opaque private keys.
    • On the tool itself, an additional implementation provides parser and compiler optimization.

    19. Longrange

    Longrange is yet another native mobile application development framework with navigation tabs, form views, and commands as components. The framework for mobile app development is based on two principles: mobile app creation and a quicker maintenance process.

    We can quickly develop a mobile application for a user community using existing development tools such as RPG, COBOL, CL, and LongRange. As a native mobile application, LongRange does not rely on HTML, CSS, or JavaScript like a traditional hybrid app.

    Features of Longrange

    • Development can be carried out with the current level of programming expertise.
    • Ability to build native applications using RPG, CL, and DDS
    • Provides rock-solid reliability and also runs these native apps faster
    • Programming knowledge of JavaScript, HTML or CSS is not required for developing apps here

    20. VuForia

    Last but not least, VuForia is a software development kit for augmented reality. Therefore, developers will be able to create augmented reality (AR) applications. This includes using computer vision technology to recognize and track images and three-dimensional objects.
    mobile app development frameworks
    This ensures a stable and reliable experience in a variety of settings, but it also allows for seamless cross-checking of functionality.

    Features of VuForia

    • VuForia can recognize and track a greater range of objects.
    • It supports the majority of the high-end portable devices on the market.
    • It allows you to create a simple AR experience that works on all major devices.
    • Ability to create virtual buttons which the application can see and respond to
    • Provides video playback support
    • 3dimensional experience can be built with the VuForia Mobile Vision platform.

    Which is Best Frameworks for Mobile App Development

    That concludes our article; here are the top mobile application frameworks that will be in high demand to meet the growing demand for mobile apps. However, it is entirely up to you to choose the best fit for your project requirements. Still, have questions or concerns about the best companion for your app development project? Connect with a leading mobile app development company that understands clients’ needs and recommends the best solution based on their budget.

    FAQ’s on Mobile App Development Frameworks

    Q.1– Which are the Easy-to-use Frameworks for Mobile App Development ?

    Framework7 is easy to use and uses an open-source framework. It lets developers create native-looking Android, iOS, and desktop applications by leveraging popular online standards such as HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3.

    Q.2– Which Mobile App Frameworks can be Used for Cross-platform App Development?

    The best mobile app development frameworks for cross-platform app development are React Native, Ionic Framework, Node, Xamarin, NativeScript, Adobe PhoneGap, and Flutter.

    Q.3– Which Frameworks are The Best for Native App Development?

    Native Script is a user-friendly framework for developing native mobile applications with Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, and CSS. React Native is the most advanced JavaScript framework for developing native apps for any platform or operating system. Xamarin is a popular mobile app development framework. Microsoft released this native framework.

    Q.4– Which is the Most Used Framework for Mobile App Development?

    React Native is one of the most widely used mobile app frameworks, with 42 percent of programmers worldwide utilizing it. It is built on JavaScript and was designed by Facebook. React Native programmers may easily create a smartphone application with a native appearance and touch using Android and iOS platforms.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.