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    How to Develop Online Furniture Store App in 2024? Development Cost, Features

    Updated Date: March 1, 2024
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    Planning to develop an online furniture store app? How about you refurbish your knowledge on furniture store development and gain more? Let’s get started.

    It can be amusing to select the furniture set and decor that compliments your home and it hits real strong when you are wandering from store to store to find that one piece of the set. The right furniture is the one that sets itself in tune with the interior as well as one’s comfort. The same has to be registered in your head when you are working in a furniture store.

    The fact that there is a cluster of online furniture shopping options available is proof itself that online businesses have burgeoned gaining the trust of the customers over the last decade. People do not have to trudge in day and night chasing the article when they can do it in less time from home.

    If you are planning to start with the furniture app development, then you have to keep in mind that comfort is the foremost reason why any customer would want to opt for online furniture shopping. That is why we are going to share all that you need to know about the furniture store app development process along with the mobile app building cost.

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    Online Furniture Store App Features

    When you visit a well-developed e-commerce website or app, you are treated to a multitude of options and panels where you can enjoy different services. For instance, you log into the app, use filters to ease the search errands, and find a range of carts multiple payment methods to choose from. All these options only add to the customers’ comfort- something which they would expect for all the obvious reasons.

    In this uphill competition in the e-commerce furniture market, advanced features are not a big deal. In fact, they have become a must-have which should not even be the slightest idea in your head if you are crazy after making your online furniture store.

    Let our eye across the advanced features of online furniture mobile apps that are too important to miss-

    1. Chatbot support

    We have come so far that it is not all the time that we need a human hand in the time of help. Online businesses have started implementing the chatbot option to be the guide to their customers and light their way to whatever answer they are looking for. This is one of the advanced features of furniture apps that you should definitely consider incorporating in order to entertain your customers with all the answers related to your e-commerce app handy.

    2. Push Notifications

    Push notifications are the app-kind-of a timely reminder that allows your furniture app users to keep a note of all the recent updates related to your products, sale, and everything else in the light of a furniture app. This is one of the important features of mobile apps which keeps your customers up-to-date on all the latest technologies that are budding in the world of furniture. Notifications make a convenient tool working as a reminder for the users on the new addition to furniture items. Thus, it is a must-have feature to attract customers easily.

    3. Smart Search

    Smart search is one of the advanced features in furniture shopping apps that allow your users to experience easy-peasy time navigating the app. This feature makes it super smooth for customers to search the product they are looking for. Here, they do not have to type the name of the product they are searching for, instead they can simply use the voice command and speak the name. This makes it an answer to the tedious feeling of typing every time a user wants to find a piece of furniture. There’s no denying this fact that smart search is one of the most special a business can utilise in a furniture store app development.

    4. In-App Camera

    Today, the camera in a smartphone bears more than selfie-centric benefits to users. Yes, it counts as one of the exciting as well as helpful features to consider at the time of online furniture store app development. When a furniture app has a camera, it becomes super easy for customers to be able to click the photos of the furniture items which they can look at later. Users can easily make a video of the piece of furniture in order to get an entire 60 view of the desired furniture set.

    5. Smooth CRM System

    CRM means Customer Relationship Management. This feature of an online furniture business refers to the various aspects of customer satisfaction. It deals with the different ways of exchange that takes place between the business and its customers. Bigger the amount of customer-concerned data it retains, the better the Customer Relationship Management System will be in order to give the understanding of such processes. This is one of must-have features to not forget in any online furniture store mobile app development.

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    6. Efficient Content Management System

    The content management system refers to an app that is implemented by the apps in order to manage their web content while allowing a number of contributors to create, edit, as well as publish in the process. Simply put, this feature is known as the CMS system that is used to manage the composition as well as modification of digital content and not to forget, the home furnishing stores development requires this feature to keep things in the light.

    7. A Range of Payment Options

    There has to be flexibility for customers when it comes to the mode of payments that are available in any online furniture mobile app. It is a good and easy way to let the users have all the comforts of shopping. In your process of furniture store mobile app

    development, you cannot forget to host a variety of payment channels that includes not only credit cards and debit cards but also UPIs, PayPal, and wallet. This will prevent the event of customers running away and make it super easy for them to buy stuff.

    8. Order management integration

    Order management integration is a feature to use in your online furniture app development. This feature addresses the responsibility to track sales, orders, along with the inventory, and fulfillment. Note that this feature enables people, processes, and partnerships to reach customers easily.

    9. Real-Time Dashboards and Analytics

    Using the real-time dashboards in your online furniture store development, you will become able to inspect, analyze and track, as well as report on the data of the company in real-time via interactive data visualizations. Now they are super useful when it comes to getting the most relevant operational data and makes it effortless for you to manage data on a consistent basis.

    10. Multi-Lingual and Currency Support

    Online furniture store apps are counted on by customers that sprawl across different regions of the world and thus, if your app fears the option of receiving payment in different currencies then the option for payment of the purchase becomes incredibly easy for your customers. Note that it’s a gesture that won’t go to waste and will not be forgotten by your customers.

    11. Tax Management

    This feature is an important one to include during the online furniture app development process. This aspect in an app is vital in order to minimize tax liability. The eminent motive of incorporating tax management is to make sure that there is tax efficiency.

    12. PIM Integrationṣ

    PIM refers to the Personal Information Manager. The functions of this feature, as what the name suggests, is all about personal organization. PIM is a feature that has a grip on all the product-related information within the company and using the same, this feature gives you the 360-degree lookout of the product data.

    General Features to Develop Online Furniture Store Application

    online furniture app features
    A furniture app development process has to be studded with a plentiful of general features right from beginning to end. Let us take a look at the features of a furniture app that are essential to be kept in mind during the development stage by online furniture app developers

    1. Features for User Panel

    Social login/signup:

    The first and foremost step to navigating a furniture store app is logging into it. While developing an online furniture store, it is imperative that you incorporate the login/ signup feature in your app as it will allow your customers to experience a feasible way in and out each time they enter your app. You should not forget to give them an option to add a username along with a password in order to enable them to access your app. Nowadays, users are able to log in to an app using social media credentials which is even a better option as it makes the whole registration process more convenient and faster.


    One of the most important furniture app features is a wishlist. The ability to add favorite furniture to a wishlist is a feature many online shoppers are quite used to as they find multiple options while crushing through the collection. Your app should be able to provide them the option to wishlist everything they shortlist so that they can add the items they like instead of needing to add them to the furniture shopping cart.

    Product Availability:

    Another important feature of a furniture app is to check if the item is available in specific locations. This feature is super useful when your online store functions at a countrywide scale, and your stores operate across many locations. This feature eases the purchasing process. With the option to check product availability, users can see where the nearest store is and can also check the item.

    Custom Product Recommendation:

    A number of online store owners use recommendation engines in order to deliver the most suitable product offers to customers when they browse through the app or have made a purchase. With this feature, customers who are in search of other items can also have a look at these recommendations get access to the products that suit their preferences, and complete their purchase.

    Loyalty Program:

    It is one of the most common features of an eCommerce app nowadays. Online store owners treat their customers to the option to collect points while shopping and get discounts. To direct loyalty via a special mobile commerce app can be your smartest move. You can leverage the application to distribute promo codes to your users as this will encourage them to install and use the furniture shopping app at your stores.

    This feature is also useful for customers as downloading an app on their mobile phones and using it at the time of purchase from the store is simple, and brings exciting rewards in the form of special promos and discounts.

    Browse through products with the help of custom search and filters

    If you offer a wide range of products, you need to implement functional sorting and filtering options. By reducing the number of steps a customer needs to take to find the product they need, you’ll increase sales and deliver a positive user experience – as a result, building a sense of brand loyalty in users.

    Thanks to this feature, users can quickly find the products they’re interested in, without having to browse your entire offer.

    View and write product reviews

    One of the best ways to treat your customers to good service on your online furniture store is to give them an option to put their reviews about the product when comparing physical stores. They should also be able to view the reviews written by other shoppers on your app. This will not only ease their buying options but also enable you to see how your products are doing among customers.

    Multiple language support

    While you develop a furniture store app, your focus is on creating something which provides your customers with the most convenient and easy-peasy shopping experience. One of the features of a furniture app that ensures users’ ease is incorporating multiple language options. While navigating the app or communicating, your customers can use the preferred option in which they are most comfortable accessing your app. This feature will add an extra point to your app’s user-friendliness.

    Track delivery status of the product

    Another important feature of a furniture store app and website compared to a physical store. After a customer shops from a furniture app, they should be able to track the delivery status of their order. Any e-commerce app is required to incorporate this feature to give a user-friendly experience to their customers and make them stay.

    2. Profile Features for Furniture Store Application

    Create profile

    A feasible registration or signup process is a must for any furniture store app in order to add more user friendliness for the customers. You should simplify the whole signup process by enabling your users to login via their email or phone number with OTP. Their external accounts like Facebook or Google will be an even more effective way for them to log into the app. An easy-peasy registration process in your online furniture store will make things enhanced for the customer. Know that a fuss-free entry to the app equals more and more customers leaving you with high sales volume.

    Loyalty Programs

    Loyalty programs nowadays appear in the guise of discounts, special offers, and a variety of other benefits and it is to be noted that these benefits apply only for customers who have been in association with the app for a notably long time and have kept a great rapport with the same.

    Add or remove or manage products

    Making the customer experience a happy one and as efficient as possible is the prominent goal of any furniture store app. When you are able to manage orders on the app with stuff including delivery and returns tracking, you will make your customers feel easy and comfortable with the buying process on your app. If a customer returns a product to you, it is best that you are able to track returns on your app as it will boost this process to be much smoother. This will also reduce the scope of customer support regarding this concern.


    If you are developing an online furniture store, you must be familiar with CRM. An admin panel comes with a built-in CRM or Customer Relationship Management that helps customers to log in, modify their address and check their order history. CRM is an essential part of a furniture store for a number of reasons including simplified data, proactive services, and efficiency.

    Provide customer support

    There’s nothing quite as frustrating for shoppers if you’re hard to reach and they need help with something. Whether that is a pre-purchase query, an order update, or even a complaint. Many apps are now using in-app chat for customer service support, which is a really quick and easy way to engage with customers. If that’s not on your radar, make phone numbers and email contact forms really easy to access should your customers need that extra bit of support when buying from you.

    View and analyze sale data

    A furniture store app must have built-in analytics as it helps the admin keep tabs on the store’s progress with time. If you benchmark your furniture store’s performance, it will only back you in ensuring that you are on the right track and it will result in increased sales. These stats include parameters like the location of customers, the source through which your customers are found, the search terms used, number of visits, etc.

    CMS management

    The CMS system helps maintain the composition and alterations in digital content. Apart from that, it helps, the home décor stores development requires this feature to keep things in the light.


    There are a plethora of marketing and promotion tools that gather in a place to bring an app into the light. However, you must know the major tools among such options, hands down, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations, and referencing.

    How to Develop Online Furniture Store App? Development Process

    furniture store app development
    Here are the steps that constitute an online furniture store-

    1. Choosing the Platform

    Furniture store app development begins with you finding the platform where your requirements meet fulfillment. Speaking of the right furniture app development platform, you can take a hand from Magento development. It is the major e-commerce software platform that you can count on for a mind-blowing and fulfilling app development solution. This platform comes bearing spectacular functionalities such as payment portals, simple-to-use admin panel as well as drag and drop layouts.

    2. Finalizing the Design Theme

    Once you are done with the platform hunt, you can move on to the very important aspect of a furniture store web development process and that is choosing the design theme. If you are using Magento, then there’s no worrying about the fact that you will have manifolds of ready-made design themes that are curated for specific niches such as shoes and clothes. You can look across the selection and say yes to the one which appears to be suiting your requirements for the furniture store website mobile development.

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    3. Installation of Shipping and Payment Methods

    After the design part, there comes a crucial aspect to any e-commerce website or app development- install shipping and a variety of payment methods. An advanced e-commerce app development platform will give you a legion of shipping platforms that will handle courier services as well as are going to set the location of your warehouse, delivery charges, along with the placement of the delivery address. Most of the payment methods available out there come to your service in the face of PayPal (the one that is accepted for Worldwide payments), Paybox, and Braintree.

    4. Logistics

    The user deserves to be treated to a gigantic experience starting right from the moment he steps into your online furniture store. Whether it is the order he wants to place or any aspect of delivery and acceptance stages, you have to make sure that you are on pace with their time and expectations. That is when this stage of online furniture store app development comes into the picture. You have to have a select and trusted logistics partner in order to take care of the courier services as well as delivery failing which will not be any less than a disaster for the future of your business.

    Tech Stack Required for an Online Furniture Store App Development

    online furniture store app development

    • Payments: E-wallets, Stripes, Braintree & PayPal
    • Push notifications: Push.io, Twilio
    • Datastax: Data management
    • SMS, Voice, & Phone Verification: Twilio, Nexmo
    • Database: Cassandra, MongoDB, MailChimp Integration, HBase
    • Cloud environment: AWS
    • Mandrill: management of emails
    • GWT: Powerful programming
    • Debian: the universal operating system
    • Streaming Media System: Nimble Streamer, Helix Universal Server, Wowza streaming
    • Real-time Analytics: Cisco, Apache Flink, Hadoop, Spark, IBM, BigData

    How to Monetise Furniture Store App?

    furniture store app development
    Once you have built a furniture store, you cannot get away without checking up on the monetization part of your app or website. In case of online assistance, you can adopt the following monetization model to make monetary progress with your app:

    1. In-app purchases

    If your furniture store offers assured gifts on purchases your customers make, then you are ultimately making your customers happy. There is no better way to monetize a furniture app than with in-app purchase offers that compel customers to rush to it. Yes, it’s an amazing idea to drive strong app traffic, increase app downloads as well as gain overall good sales figures.

    2. Coupons and freebies

    If you are going to develop an online retail store, you have to keep in mind the significance of making your customers feel welcomed the moment they sign up for your app. You can offer them a welcome gift for signing up and give them coupons to take part in a lucky draw or on a certain purchase value.

    3. Contest

    One of the best ways to not only monetize a furniture app but to also make it engaging and active in the eye of customers is to host contests among them. Creating the air of competition would not help your store have gained in sales figures, increase the business volume, and adobe all- increase the potential for incredible customer loyalty.

    4. In-app advertising

    In-app advertising is the all-time preferred option for monetizing any app that is offered to users for free. If done effectively, it can bring a great deal of help to your store’s well-being.

    You simply have to make sure your app features relevant ads in terms of your e-store. Besides, there should be no interference of in-app ads in the basic UI/UX of the app.

    5. Affiliate marketing

    Lastly, affiliate marketing is one of the most common types of monetizing the furniture market by countless free ecommerce apps across various platforms. You can let the brands of your saleable goods do marketing for their products while mentioning your e-store apps in all the places. For affiliate marketing to work for you in monetizing the app, you need to build a strong loyal user base and sustained reputation for your app.

    Most Popular Furniture Store App Categories

    Furniture comes in different facets and sizes and the most popular ones are the ones that are required by people for the home decor and comforts. From moving to a new house to replacing the oldie, there are certain furniture item categories that are most sought after by people and this is something which you should definitely make a note of.

    Let us name different and important furniture categories that are always on the must-have list and make a prominent involvement for your online furniture store-

    • Chairs and sofas
    • Dining and coffee tables
    • Wardrobes and dressers
    • Armchairs and recliners
    • Bookcases and shelves
    • Couches and futons
    • TV stands and media furniture

    Most Popular Online Furniture Stores & Apps

    online furniture store apps

    1. Wayfair Inc

    Wayfair Inc. is one of the popular e-commerce companies with over 7 million products. It has standardized the online home decor and furniture stores via the app. The app is studded with a fantastic 3D View in Room function that helps users in making choices of their furniture. On top of that, the app offers incredible user ease with a room planner tool which helps them quickly decide on the piece that would go with their home.

    Features of Wayfair Inc. app

    • One of the biggest players in the world of online furniture and home decor stores.
    • Has over 7 million products.
    • 3D View in Room and Room planner tool feature.

    2. IKEA

    IKEA is the giant of a furniture company out there that is known for selling affordable household items. In their app, the company incorporates 3D effects that render the presence of real photos. It also allows users to choose a few items to create a room and virtually situate 3D models in their place. This app also has an option for users to check the history of objects they have viewed and it offers many other amazing features such as decor tips in a ‘For You’ feed, a section for personalized items, etc.

    Features of IKEA app

    • The largest furniture store.
    • 3D product view
    • A host of features such as interior tips, virtual room etc.

    3. Urban Ladder

    This app is simply an eye-candy of many, thanks to the world of modern and super stylish interior designs. This tool gives users the option to furnish the home décor right from the beginning which makes things lighter than ever. It operates with over 5K furniture and design ideas. It comes with a set of customized recommendations that are inspired by the search history. Users can also pinch and zoom in order to check the items closely.

    Features of Urban Ladder

    • A legion of attractive features.
    • Easy to navigate.
    • Offers DIY ideas and How-to guides.
    • User-friendly features to make selection easier.

    4. Amazon

    Be it anything, Amazon has a solution for all the shopping demands that one may have and furniture is definitely one of them. The place has a vast number of options available from different sellers when it comes to home decor and furniture pieces. From simple and affordable to a multitude of different designs and premium designers, Amazon has got it covered.

    Features of Amazon

    • One of the most preferred and popular e-commerce platforms in the world.
    • User-friendly app.
    • A wide range of furniture and decor items from different designers and sellers.
    • Customer reviews and ratings.

    5. Walmart

    Walmart, is another one-stop destination for, really, what not. As we already know it, this store is more than just groceries. If you are looking for furniture to adorn your house then this place will give you a heck of options. Apart from that, you probably have had your hands on it already, so you know that it is quite easy to use and there’s a variety of items waiting for you to choose from.

    Features of Walmart

    • Popular online shopping destination.
    • Variety of options.
    • Easy functionality.

    Online Furniture Mobile App Development Cost

    online furniture store app development
    Going through the estimated cost of developing an online furniture store is a step you cannot miss out on.

    There is a myriad of variables that come together to get involved in building an online furniture store. You will have a number of factors affecting the online furniture store cost. Let us take a look at them-

    • The design theme for the online furniture mobile app
    • Marketing support
    • Total number of pages
    • Branding components
    • Maintenance as well as technical support once the development process of the website is done
    • Use of advanced modules such as chatbots, and advanced eCommerce solutions

    On top of everything, it is the difference between a simple furniture store app and a complex furniture store that determines the estimated cost you are going to bear for the job. The cost for creating a simple project is approximately $3000 and on the other hand, a complex website costs you approximately $100,000.

    Let’s take a look at how-

    Furniture store online app cost in the USA

    In the USA, building an online furniture store costs on average $100 to $160 per hour while total cost falls between $80,000 to $100,000.

    Furniture store online app cost in the UK

    The average cost of furniture app development in the UK is $110-190 per hour and the overall development calculates upto the cost of $130,000 to $190,000.

    Furniture store online app cost in India

    Furniture prices in India go about $15 to $30 hourly if you build an online app. Building a simple furniture app in India costs between $15,000 to $25,000.

    Furniture store online app cost in Australia

    In Australia, the hourly rates for furniture app store development cost between $80 to $170 while the overall development takes about $70,000 to $150,000.

    furniture store online app cost in Dubai

    Another example of cost differences based on region is Dubai where the average cost to build a furniture app ranges from $80 to $150 and the cost ends up totaling $80,000 to 110,000.

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    Final Words: Furniture Business Development

    Online furniture store requires that you bring forth a lot of planning and investment to be able to stand the competition and succeed. However, this pandemic has caused every online business to surge, which has made it clear that it’s definitely not a poor idea to build an online furniture store. You can count on this galore of tips and important features to amp up your energy for home décor stores development and reap numerous benefits that you have always wished to get your furniture business rolling. Must read my other guides on online book store app development, stock trading app development, tutor app development and fitness app development.

    FAQs on Online Furniture Store Application Development

    1. How much does it cost to make a complex furniture app?

    Creating a complex furniture app means you are going to instill a variety of features in it. Developing a furniture app that has truckloads of features can end up costing between $100 to $180.

    2. How do I make my furniture app succeed?

    If you want to make a successful furniture store application then you have to incorporate a few efforts to start with. First of all, you need to make sure that you are selling quality furniture at competitive edge pricing. Besides that, ensure effective customer service. Other aspects such as the range of products, easy app navigation, and right advertising also help a furniture store app to come into the light.

    3. Is selling furniture online profitable?

    Selling furniture has become one of the most profitable businesses today. It is the steady demand for interior decor and ever-changing trends that have inspired many to launch a furniture business.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.