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    Online Pharmacy App Development Like PharmEasy [Cost, Features]

    Updated Date: October 18, 2024
    Written by Hemendra Singh
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    With the technological advancements, the healthcare industry has transformed. Innovators providing healthcare app development services have enabled us to leverage the advantages of EHR software, telemedicine apps, and online consulting platforms. Not only the convenience for patients but it has also become easier for everyone to connect with health professionals and better focus on their health. Online pharmacy app development has made it significantly easy for everyone to the medicine delivered at home, even during any emergency.

    According to Grand View Research, the global pharmacy management system market was valued at $5.8 billion in 2023 which is further expected to grow with a CAGR of 11.66% and achieve a valuation of $11.2 billion by the end of 2028. So, there is no doubt in the fact that on-demand pharmacy delivery apps like PharmEasy are going to be reliable platforms for millions of users around the world to fulfill their medical needs.

    Be it storing prescriptions, inventory management, ordering medicine, drug information, health tracking, or anything else, pharmacy apps have helped to eliminate the long queues in hospitals and local dispensaries. So, in this blog, we will talk about how you can develop an app like PharmEasy and get a great ROI by providing the right features in your application. Here is top list of top on demand app developers for your own custom mobile application development.

    Pharmacy Delivery App Development: Statistics and Market Size

    Today, due to the emergence of so many online pharmacy applications, the drug market is completely transformed and pumped up. These apps have formed a bridge to fill the gap between the pharmaceutical firms and customers by meeting their daily needs of customers.

    healthcare apps

    It is a win-win situation for both companies and customers in a way that on the one hand companies are making huge profits and on the other hand, customers are participating in e-commerce sites and applications in large numbers. Some of the popular examples of pharmacy apps are PharmEasy, 1 mg, and, Netmeds, etc.

    According to the research reports published by ‘Zion Market’, the online pharmacy market is anticipated to expand from 42.32 billion dollars in 2018 to 107.53 billion dollars by 2025. Further, as per reports by ‘Xian’, the eCommerce Healthcare Apps are anticipated to make 111.1 billion dollars by the end of 2025.

    If you want to know the list of features (both basic and advanced) that should be integrated into the on-demand pharma delivery app, the whole process to create the pharma app, the technology stack, and the cost to develop such an app, then you have come to the right destination. In this article, we will be discussing all these points. So stay tuned and read the full article to get the maximum benefit.

    Let’s deep dive into the topic by first discussing the revenue model of online pharmacy apps:

    How to Make Money with On-Demand Pharmacy App Development?

    Now, let us see how these pharma companies make money through applications. There are different revenue models that these companies adapt which are explained below:

    pharmacy delivery app development

    Advertising Model

    In-app advertising is one of the most prominent ways to generate revenue from your online medicine supplying app like PharmEasy. This is because of the fact that no business can survive without advertising. Under this model, you can let these companies advertise their products in your application and charge them as per the click-through rate.

    • Pharmaceutical Companies
    • Hospital Chains & Brands
    • Health Insurance Companies
    • Pharmacy Companies
    • E-Wallet Companies
    • Diagnostic Companies

    Commission Based Model

    This is one of the most popular models followed by most of the online pharma delivery applications. On-demand pharmacy apps provide a channel for pharmaceutical companies to sell their medicine and drugs. Therefore, you can charge money from those companies to sell their products online with the help of your application. You can charge on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis depending upon the terms of the agreement. The percentage of the commission has to be fixed before the commencement of the business via an agreement.

    Sponsored Listings Model

    A yet another popular revenue stream adapted by many on-demand pharmacy ordering apps. Under this model, the customers can see the sponsored products displayed in the feature listings offered by pharmaceutical companies. These lists are the results of stores sponsored by pharma companies or drug stores.

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    What are The Benefits of E-Pharmacy App Development Solution?

    The thought of making an entry into the market with a drug delivery app is backed by a lot of significant reasons. To help you a bit, we have curated a list of benefits of such app that you must consider:

    Reduction in Medical Wastage

    Every year, a lot of unused drugs are disposed of. Dumping these drugs is a form of medical waste and this is a serious issue as it results in a huge economic loss as a lot of resources were invested in those drugs that got waste. With the help of on-demand apps, these drugs and medicines can be delivered to the customers directly which will reduce the overall wastage.

    Medication Accuracy

    The best thing about online pharmacy apps is that provide fewer errors with prescriptions and better accuracy. As the pharmacist can check the medicine online, it would be convenient for him to read the doses and the medicines. You can build a lot of trust among your customers provided your app has a medicine management service along with home delivery of the drugs.

    Medical Obedience

    The on-demand drug delivery apps not only help you with delivering the medicines but also in scheduling your medicine timings. You can set up a reminder and the app will do the rest. Mostly these apps deliver packages that have all the medicines packed with the times and amount of doses. The consumer can be highly benefited in the way that he takes his medicine at the right time.

    Medical Efficiency

    The technology has completely revolutionized the whole market including the pharmaceutical and medical industry. With the use of technology like robotic dispensing tools, the chances of errors are less. Such apps even offer great help to pharmacists by sharing the information clearly. Also, customers find them quite reliable.

    With all these mind-blowing benefits and advantages, Pharmacy App Development Company has witnessed huge demand in the market. Some believe that these apps do not hold potential technological opportunities. But this is just a misconception as the benefits are uncountable and there are a lot of opportunities that are yet to be explored. There are various levels at which technology can be used in the healthcare industry.

    Top 5 pharmacy Delivery Apps in India [Your Competitors]


    This pharmacy delivery application is committed to delivering Healthcare Products, OTC Products, and Medicines of all age groups. It is one of the most popular pharma delivery apps in India. The delivery time taken by PharmEasy is 24 hours. The application is available for download for both mobile operating platforms – iOS and Android.


    The company is in existence since 1914 as a pharmacist. It is one of the oldest medicine-selling companies and currently one of the largest online pharmacy delivery chains across India. Usually, the delivery time taken is between 2 to 3 days. It is available for download on both the major operating systems – Android and iOS.

    pharmacy delivery app development


    1 Mg is not just an best pharmacy delivery app, rather it focuses more on providing medical information and doctor consultancy services. The user can get valuable information concerning the medicines ordered including the side effects, dosage, usage, etc. The app is famous in few cities in India. You might be interested to know how to develop an app like 1MG?

    Medplus Mart

    Medplus is a famous brand for selling online medicines and drugs. The company has more than 1500 medicine stores in India across seven states. The app also provides bulk discounts on medicine purchases. The application is free to download on Android and iOS platforms.


    Practo is an application that is known for not only delivering medicines but also serves the purpose of booking an appointment with a doctor. The app is quite famous among the Indian audience as it is one of the most downloaded healthcare apps in India. It is available for download for both Android and iOS mobile operating platforms. Here is the complete guide on doctor on demand app development.

    What’s the Best Tech Stack for Pharmacy App Development?

    • Push Notification – Twilio, Push.io
    • Payment Gateway – Braintime & Paypal, Stripe, E-wallets
    • SMS, VOICE & Phone Verification – Nexmo, Twilio
    • Database – MongoDB, HBase, Cassandra, Postgres, MailChimp Integration
    • Real-Time Analytics – Hadoop, Spark, BigData, Apache Flink, Cisco, IBM
    • Cloud Environment – AWS, Google, Azure

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    Features Listing of Pharmacy App

    User Panel Features

    • User Registration: The users can log in by entering their email account details or via their social networking account credentials.
    • Search Medicines/drugs: Users can easily search for the medicines or drugs they want to buy.
    • Upload Prescription: With this feature, the users get access to upload their prescriptions and order the medicines when required.
    • Add to cart: This feature always has the name of the product so you can add the medicine/drug of your choice to your cart and purchase when needed.
    • Expert Advice: The users get the option to take the doctor’s advice and discuss their health problems.
    • Blog: The users can view all the medication-related information in terms of news, articles and blog posts.
    • Order Tracking: Customers, with the help of this feature, can know the status of their current orders. The user can track whether the order is on the processing, shipping, or estimated delivery date.
    • Push Notifications: Push notifications are the reminders sent to the users in terms of payments, order confirmations, discounts, and offers.
    • Return Policy: This feature is very helpful in establishing trust among customers. If the customers are not satisfied with the product, they can simply return or exchange the product.
    • Loyalty Points: Users get the rewards in form of loyalty points for a successful referral or in case they are using the app for a long time.
    • Compare Products: This section allows users to compare different products concerning various brands. The users can make a detailed comparison of all the selected products and ultimately can shop the products in a seamless manner.
    • Payment Gateway: To complete a purchase, the payment gateway is the most crucial step. Integrating multiple payment options while pharmacy app development helps customers to make purchases in a simple and convenient manner. You can add multiple payment options such as debit/credit cards, PayPal, online banking, GPay, PayTM, etc

    Admin Panel Features

    • Registration: Just like customers, owners of pharma companies also need to do registration on the app platform. The registration can be done via email, mobile number or social media account.
    • Dashboard: All incoming requests can be verified by the admin. He is the one who manages all the provisions for meeting the requests that are pending and takes care of the date of deliveries as well.
    • Monetization: The admin manages all the transactions incurred within the pharmacy delivery application such as in-app purchases, subscription packages and other payment transactions.
    • Marketing Tools: Under this section, activities related to advertising, promotions and campaigning are handled by the admin.
    • Manage Payments: Under this, section payments are verified by the admin. The admin after taking his own share transfers the remaining amount to the respective store owners.
    • Manage Notifications: All the notifications concerning the updates, products and their availability are redirected to the users by the admin.
    • Manage users and aggregators: All the uses who have done the registration within the application are managed by the admin. Fccurther, all the data concerning the manufacturers are stored in it.
    • Analytics: All reports in terms of the number of orders, region-wise deliveries, retention rates, user acquisitions, offers used, medicine category, etc. can be represented in the form of charts for making progressive decisions.

    Advanced Features for Online Pharmacy App Development

    • Refined Search: This feature allows users to conduct a search by applying various filters. They can search while selecting the categories like body pain, stomach ache, cold, and cough, etc.
    • Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing can be a very useful tool that can make your app popular. Affiliate marketing will make people/users earn money by promoting products of various companies and brands.
    • Trending Fitness Meal: Pharma app developers can integrate this feature where users can gather valuable information concerning the most trending fitness products. Users can also search for medicines that are mostly ordered or are bestsellers.
    • Collection from a medical store: Under this feature, users can choose the medical store from which they want to collect their drugs/medicines. Hence, the users are not required to remain available while the order delivery is happening, rather they can collect their order and learn the amount of dose to be taken.
    • Associate Medical Store: If you integrate this feature, the uses can check the store which is nearby for making the purchase of the medicines. If the user is doubtful regarding the online order, he can simply locate the nearby store and can purchase the medicines from the store itself.
    • Upload Medicine Orders: This is one of the biggest attributes of online medicine selling mobile apps. The feature allows the user to upload the medicine order and check-up reports along with his contact number and address. Also, after the appointment, the user can have a conversation with the doctor.
    • Lab Aggregation: With the help of this feature, users can locate the medical diagnosis labs nearby for the various categories including thyroid, blood test, full body checkup, and many more. They can get the idea of the price and book their appointments accordingly.
    • Multilingual: Under this feature, you can operate the app in your preferred language. This feature is really helpful as the users can get a lot of familiar and comfortable with your application. Users can get a basic understanding of the products and services you are providing.

    What Makes a Great On-demand Pharmacy App Development Team?

    If you want to craft a top-notch medicine-selling mobile app in India, you are required to hire talented professionals who are well versed in developing such a category of apps. The team may include managers, mobile app developers, designers, and testers. Let’s try to understand:

    pharmacy app development team

    • Project Manager: The project manager is the one that leads your project. He should be well experienced and skilled in handling these types of projects. Also, he needs to be techno-friendly in all aspects.
    • Developers: Developers form the backbone of any project and they are the ones who construct your app. Your developers in your team may include best Android App Developers, iOS App Developers, and Back-End App Developers.
    • Designers: The designing team is responsible for creating layouts and designs that are attractive and user-friendly. The designing team may include UI Designers, UX Designers, and Graphic Designers.
    • Testers: Testers check the app in and out to make it bug-free. You need to have a skilled team of testers and QA experts who are capable enough to deliver a smooth and seamless experience to the users.

    How to Make Custom Pharmacy App in 5 Easy Steps?

    Here are 5 essential steps that you must follow to launch your app and make millions:

    app like pharmeasy

    Research and Analysis

    As per reports, the global e-pharmacy market is anticipated to reach 107.53 billion dollars by 2025. This is a huge boom in terms of numbers. Even after knowing the bright prospects associated with this sector, you must conduct your own research and planning to access the market’s specific needs. You can adopt methods related to economics and sociology like SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, the five forces and focus groups. Further, to make a mark in the industry, studying your competitors is as important as launching your app in the market. These two things go hand in hand.

    Testing Your Business Model

    Conducting comprehensive market research is just the first step. The next step you need to do is to conduct business idea testing. It involves creating a prototype and testing the same with a dedicated group in order to get feedback. Once you get the positive feedback, you can proceed with the process further or else you can strategize how you can improve your systems to be able to gather customer attention and retention.

    Choose the Best Software Development Partner

    The task to choose an online pharmacy app development company is quite challenging. However, with care and diligence, you can achieve this task. Choose a partner that has a significant amount of experience in the medical solutions development domain. The NineHertz has done a lot of work in this dedicated domain, so you can choose us also for your project. We can offer customized services at affordable prices.

    The Development Stage

    This mobile and web development stage is considered purely technical as under this stage your mobile and web solutions will be created. This stage contains a lot of specifications, however, the main focus is to make you aware that you need to follow lean methodology for building software which allows you to invest only in those features that are focused on your targeted audience.

    Launching and Maintaining the Application

    After all the steps are done and your app is ready, there comes the time when you finally launch the application. The app is launched majorly on two platforms – Android and iOS. However, the work is not yet over with the launching of the app. The customers usually get support and maintenance services from Pharmacy App Development Companies like The NineHertz. Hence, some part of the budget should be kept aside for this critical part.

    Online Medicine ordering App Development Cost: 4 Biggest Factors Driving Them

    The cost to develop an on-demand online delivery app as PharmEasy depends on the following key factors:

    App Platform

    The app platform plays a vital role when it comes to pharma app development while creating a mobile application. If you are planning to create a medicine supplying app it is very much advisable that you go for both the platforms – Android and iOS. In case, you have a limited budget, you can go with a single platform. Generally, the cost to develop an Android app is higher compared to the iOS app due to multiple testing devices.

    App Type

    The type of mobile application is yet another essential factor impacting the overall development cost of medicine online delivery app. Generally, there are three types of mobile applications – Native Apps, Hybrid Apps, and Web Apps. You can go for Hybrid App Development in case you want your users to use your application on both Android and iOS platforms.

    App Features

    The Pharmacy delivery application development cost is dependent on a number of features (both simple and advanced) that are integrated into the mobile application. In case, you are running your project on a low budget, you can prefer including features that are simple and non-complex. On the contrary, integrating advanced features and functionalities will lead to an increase in your overall budget to a great extent.

    App Development Team

    App development cost may fluctuate depending upon the team size of pharma app developers and pharma app development company geographical location. The development cost in India is far less as compared to the cost in foreign countries. That’s the reason foreign app development companies charge more compared to Indian App Developers.

    Pharmacy Delivery App Development Cost in India and USA

    You can cost of pharmacy delivery app development in India is always cheaper compared to the developers in the USA and Europe. The task to calculate the cost of the pharma delivery app is quite difficult as the process depends on numerous factors like the number of hours invested, number of features, development platforms, and the region selected for app development.

    pharmacy app cost

    However, depending upon the physical location of your healthcare app development company, your cost may vary. Say, for example, firms that are US-based take around $40-$250 per hour. For Western Europe and Eastern Europe regions the charge may vary from $50 – $170 and $20 – $150 per hour respectively. Some of the south Asian countries are reasonable when it comes to mobile app development.

    Here, the cost to develop a basic app with minimum features for a single platform is around $10,000. However, in case you are interested in developing a fully responsive, and cross-platform application with advanced features and functionalities, the price may shoot up to $20,000 – $35,000.

    On-Demand Pharmacy App Development Cost in India

    SNo. Type of App Cost in India
    1. Pharmacy Delivery Android App $5k-$10k
    2. Pharmacy Delivery iOS App $8k-$12k
    3. Pharmacy Delivery Hybrid App $10k-$15k
    4. Web Portal $12k-$20K

    On-Demand Pharmacy App Development Cost in USA

    SNo. Type of App Cost in USA
    1. Pharmacy Delivery Android App $15k-$30k
    2. Pharmacy Delivery iOS App $24k-$36k
    3. Pharmacy Delivery Hybrid App $30k-$45k
    4. Web Portal $36k-$60K

    How to Choose Reliable Pharmacy App Development Company?

    The NineHertz is among the top IT companies in the sector of healthcare app development services. Several medical companies, doctors, and physicians have been benefitted from our services. We have helped them in managing their customer and medicine inventory. We have a robust team of efficient and best mobile app developers in india who are well versed in crafting quality-driven mobile application solutions for your business. If you are all set to build a drug delivery app then you can hire the best online medicine delivery app development company. We will be more than happy to help you.

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    Conclusion: Pharmacy App Development Solution

    It is no less than a boon that these online medicine ordering apps are becoming a part of our lives. The business is flourishing with huge revenues even after providing discounts and cashback to the customers. Patients also love this feature where they no longer need to go to the medical stores and stand in long queues and order their stuff online without any hassle. This feature is helpful especially to those who are aged or physically challenged. If you are running a pharmacy business then having an app can take you way ahead of your competitors. You can contact The NineHertz and we will make sure that you get the most astonishing medicine delivery app that will make you millions of dollars. Drop us an email or call us to know more about the process and the estimated cost.

    Hemendra Singh

    My name is Hemendra Singh. I am a Director and Co-founder of The NineHertz, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.